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Manager behind nude cruise ship reveals the ‘golden rule’ that all passengers have to follow

Manager behind nude cruise ship reveals the ‘golden rule’ that all passengers have to follow

If you thought this cruise would be lawless, think again

The manager behind the now-much-talked-about nude cruise has revealed the 'golden rule' all passengers must follow.

You'd think such a cruise would be lawless, but that is certainly far from the case.

While a more traditional cruise offers entertainment and great food, a nudist ship offers a very different sort of experience for guests.

However, those who have boarded the ship or worked on it have suggested that guests must enjoy themselves within limits, with one worker even revealing what would happen if you got aroused on board.

Now, Mario Cruz, a concept and development manager at Original Group, has revealed the one 'golden rule' you must follow.

The company is behind a clothing-optional cruise, leading to many of its passengers deciding to go nude.

However, as we have heard from other nude cruises, this ship is definitely not lawless.

Speaking to Oyster in 2018, Cruz said: "The point is to provide an exotic and playful atmosphere, while also ensuring the utmost respect for all of our passengers.

"Our house rules on land and sea begin with the 'golden rule'. No means no. All guests must follow that principle."

The cruise ship is not lawless.
Getty Stock Photo

The cruise ship worker went on to say that sexual activities are permitted in 'guest staterooms and designated playroom areas', but are not allowed in pools and other public places on the ship.

While it may be a nude ship, appropriate attire is required for evening meals, while noise must be kept to a minimum after midnight.

Cruz went on to reveal that staff on board the ship are strictly prohibited from interacting intimately or drinking with guests.

With all the nude cruise ship talk making the headlines right now, a lot of it has been unsurprisingly sexualized.

Kat Whitmire is the vice president of sales for a nudist-cruise company - and she really has seen everything.

The 'golden rule' must be followed.
Getty Stock Photo

But Kat is having none of that talk with her ship from Bare Necessities Tour and Travel.

"To us, being nude is not sexual or anything to be ashamed of," she recently told Business Insider.

"Nudism is about leaving judgement behind. When you're not wearing clothes, you can't immediately tell someone's economic status or how they vote; you have to talk to them to find out who they are.

"Our guests form deep friendships that I don't think form as readily on a textile cruise."

She added: "We're not a swingers' cruise. This is not lifestyle travel. There are plenty of those travel opportunities out there, but that's not what we do."

Featured Image Credit: Desire Cruises/Oleg Elkov/Getty

Topics: Travel, Cruise ship