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Three Dead And Multiple Injured As Train Derails In Germany

Three Dead And Multiple Injured As Train Derails In Germany

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At least three people have died following a huge train accident in southern Germany.

The regional train headed for Munich appears to have derailed shortly after noon in Burgrain, near the resort town of Garmisch-Partenkirchen, according to federal police. 

Three carriages overturned at least partly, and people were pulled out of the windows to safety.

Sixty people were being treated for injuries, and 16 of them were seriously hurt.

It was not clear how many people were on the train at the time of the accident.

Photos from the scene shared on social media show several carriages of the double decker train flipped on their side and hanging off the edge of the track.

injured passengers have also been seen being carried on stretchers away from the crash site.

Police have stated that a major emergency operation is underway and the line between Garmisch-Partenkirchen and Oberau, north of the accident site, is currently closed. 

The cause of the derailment has also not yet been confirmed.

More to follow.

Featured Image Credit: @MartinBreitkopf/Twitter

Topics: Germany, Police