A polar bear that was starving after getting a tin can stuck in its mouth went to find humans who could help it get free.
Normally if you see a polar bear coming towards you it's very bad news and you should make yourself look as big and scary as possible to chase it off.
However, in this case a starving polar bear came to ask humans for help after getting its tongue stuck in a tin can which left the poor animal unable to eat anything.
The polar bear was spotted in the Russian settlement of Dikson in the far north of the Krasnoyarsk Krai region.
Starving and desperate to get the can which had once contained condensed milk out of its mouth, the polar bear was filmed approaching people's houses as it seemingly begged people to help it.
Repeatedly poking its head through a fence, the bear keeps offering its mouth to a man so he can try and pull the can away and save it from starving.
The man can be seen making several attempts to try and remove the can which is clamped around the bear's tongue, but he cannot slide it off easily and decides against trying anything more dangerous.

After several attempts he spots that the can lid is still largely on, trapping the bear's tongue in a prison of sharp metal from which it cannot easily be freed.
Not wanting to pull too hard and risk painfully slicing the polar bear's tongue, he was forced to leave the tin can in place.
A team of vets from Moscow are headed for the small settlement in the far north of Siberia where they will attempt to rescue the poor polar bear from its plight.
They plan on sedating the bear so they can get rid of the can trapping its tongue, while they also want to move it away from the village while it's asleep.

While the polar bear has begged humans for help when it was starving, it may be in a more typical mood once freed from its ordeal as experts have warned that a polar bear would never normally approach humans for help.
Luckily, any fears that the bear will be back to Dikson to munch on its would-be rescuers should be settled by a gift the experts are planning on leaving for the poor animal.
When the bear wakes up it'll have 50kg of fish to help deal with its horrible hunger, which should prevent it from getting any ideas about going on the hunt for humans that only days ago were trying to help it.
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Topics: World News, Animals