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'Gymfluencer' Joey Swoll gets woman’s gym membership canceled after she mocked man working out

'Gymfluencer' Joey Swoll gets woman’s gym membership canceled after she mocked man working out

Body builder Joey Swoll called out fitness influencer Allie Singer after she put a man online for not wearing a shirt at the gym

A fitness influencer has had a woman's gym membership cancelled after she posted a video online where she filmed another gym goer without his knowledge.

In the video Allie Singer, goes by the username @the_rippedbarbie on social media, films a man who is training in the gym without his shirt on.

She goes on to make hurtful remarks about his appearance while complaining that he was training shirtless.

The video on Instagram sparked outrage online, with many people calling Allie out for the clip and filming someone without their knowledge.

But the fitness vlogger was not fazed, instead labelling them all as 'keyboard warriors'.

It was at this point that fitness influencer Joey Swoll stepped in and made a video addressing the problem.

He began by highlighting that it was perfectly valid for her to want to go to a gym where you can't work out shirtless.

But, he pointed out, this was not that kind of gym.

He said: “Listen, I get it, you want to train at a gym where everyone keeps their shirt on – fine, but this gym isn’t one of them.

Joey Swoll called out the influencer in a video.
TikTok / @thejoeyswoll

"I called Absolute Recomp in Texas and their rules say you can train with your shirt off, and you signed up there."

So, it was within the rules of that gym to train without a shirt on if you want.

Joey continued, calling out Allie for filming someone in public without their consent.

He said: “Therefore you need to follow the rules, including the rule that says you don’t film people without their consent to post on social media – and people tried to tell you this!

"Yet you arrogantly posted your response when they defended this man, and you didn't listen."

But it seems that she won't have to worry about working out at that particular gym in future.

He said her membership had been cancelled.
TikTok / @thejoeyswoll

That's because it turns out that the Absolute Recomp gym were less than impressed with the video, and cancelled Allie's membership.

Joey concluded: “Your membership has been canceled, you need to do better. Mind your own business."

People took to the comments to share their comments on the incident.

One wrote: "Love this. I hugely prefer gyms that don't allow shirts off, but I would never shame anyone for doing it at gyms where it's allowed!"

A second posted: "I signed up for planet fitness today and when I tell you THIS IS NY WORST FEAR. I’m hoping Planet Fitness is safer."

A third replied: "The gym should be nothing but motivation and helping people grow."

UNILAD has attempted to reach out to Singer for comment.

Featured Image Credit: TikTok/@joeyswoll

Topics: News, US News, Fitness, Health, Instagram