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Singer Ted Nugent Faces Hate Speech Accusations Over Encouraging Trump Rally To Go 'Berserk' On Democrats

Singer Ted Nugent Faces Hate Speech Accusations Over Encouraging Trump Rally To Go 'Berserk' On Democrats

Ted Nugent has been accused of hate speech for his recent comments.

Ted Nugent has been accused of hate speech after telling Donald Trump supporters to go 'berserk' at Democrats. 

During a Trump rally in Austin, Texas on 14 May, the singer told attendees that Democrats were the 'enemies of America'.

Nugent then went on to propagate the lie that former president Trump was cheated out of the 2020 election.

Speaking at the rally, the singer said: "Think of what the enemies of America have done over the last 14 months."

"And that they didn’t sneak into the White House — they lied, they cheated, they scammed, and everyday the Democrats violate their sacred oath to the Constitution. And if you can’t impress you friends on that, they shouldn’t be your friends."

Nugent then said to the crowd 'I love you people madly' before adding: "But I’d love you more if you went forward and just went berserk on the skulls of the Democrats and the Marxists and the Communists."

Yep, the singer said he'd love the crowd to go 'berserk on the skulls of the Democrats'.

As you can imagine, the comments didn't go over well, with Shannon Watts from Moms Demand Action tweeting: "Ted Nugent, former NRA Board member, to Donald Trump today during a rally that took place as a mass shooting by a white supremacist and conspiracy theorist unfolded at a grocery store in a Black neighbourhood in Buffalo. When will we hold the GOP accountable for this hate speech?"

Watts was referencing the supermarket shooting in Buffalo, New York that took place on the same day that Nugent gave his speech.

10 people were killed and three wounded when Payton Gendron, an alleged white supremacist opened fire.

Gendron was said to have written a manifesto that cited racist theories and 11 of the 13 people he shot were Black.

Following the shooting, US president Joe Biden called for the end of ‘hate-fuelled domestic terrorism'.

Biden wrote in a statement: “Any act of domestic terrorism, including an act perpetrated in the name of a repugnant white nationalist ideology, is antithetical to everything we stand for in America. Hate must have no safe harbor.

“We must do everything in our power to end hate-fuelled domestic terrorism.”

The statement came as ABC News reported that Biden also spoke to a crowd outside the US Capitol building, saying that the Justice Department was investigating the matter as 'a hate crime and an act of racially motivated violent extremism'.

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Featured Image Credit: u/UncivilizedBeast/reddit

Topics: US News, News, Donald Trump