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Sexpert reveals very easy ways to tell if your partner is faking their orgasm

Sexpert reveals very easy ways to tell if your partner is faking their orgasm

A relationship coach has said men should look out for the clear signs their partner is having a genuine orgasm

A self-described orgasm expert has given some tips on how to tell if your partner is faking it in the bedroom.

In the bedroom it can be a little harder for men to fake orgasming than woman so it seems sex expert Katie Flowers has a few tips for the guys.

Flowers - who works as a model and relationship coach - has said women faking climaxing is common, but it can spell bad news for both parties involved.

She also said that while some women believe they are experts at fooling their partners, they might not be nearly as good at it as they think they are as there are signs men can look for to know if it is the real deal.

Flowers, who works as a model and relationship coach, has said women faking climaxing is common. (X/Katie Flowers Modeling)
Flowers, who works as a model and relationship coach, has said women faking climaxing is common. (X/Katie Flowers Modeling)

“At the core of every meaningful relationship lies a foundation of honesty and vulnerability,” Flowers told The New York Post.

“Fake orgasms not only erode this foundation but also perpetuate a cycle of misunderstanding and dissatisfaction.”

So, it seems faking one to spare your partner’s feelings in the long-term probably isn’t the best course of action.

Trust your instincts

For the guys who have a sneaking suspicion their partner might be trying a little too hard to be convincing, they should trust their instincts.

“Don’t underestimate the power of your intuition,” the Flowers continued explained.

“If something feels off, it probably is. Trust your gut instincts to guide you toward genuine moments of pleasure.”

Be authentic in the bedroom

Flowers also hammered home the importance of being genuine in the bedroom. So less of the acting out what you have seen online and more of the being in the moment with your partner.

“Genuine pleasure is marked by authenticity and spontaneity,” Flowers said.

“Look for [these signs] that signal a natural and unscripted experience.”

Flowers said the guys who have a sneaking suspicion that their partner might be trying a little too hard to be convincing should trust their instincts. (Getty stock photo)
Flowers said the guys who have a sneaking suspicion that their partner might be trying a little too hard to be convincing should trust their instincts. (Getty stock photo)

Non-verbal cues

The relationship coach added a climaxing partner is more likely to make non-verbal cues through their eyes and body language rather than saying it.

She added flushed cheeks, smiles and eye contact are likely to be a much more reliable guide.

She also offered words of encouragement to men and said it is important not to be disheartened and to focus more on communication to address the issue.

Ultimately, this will lead to a better and more comfortable experience for both parties, so a big win-win.

“True intimacy is about connection, not performance,” the expert concluded.

“Focus on building a deeper connection with your partner and savoring the shared experience.

“Knowledge is power, and understanding the complexities of human sexuality can help you navigate intimate encounters with confidence.”

Featured Image Credit: KatieFlowersMod/X/Getty stock photo

Topics: Health, Sex and Relationships, News