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Expert reveals people with these jobs are more likely to cheat in a relationship

Expert reveals people with these jobs are more likely to cheat in a relationship

A relationship expert has suggested how a job could make someone more likely to cheat, and one of them may surprise you

A relationship expert has shared which jobs could make someone more likely to cheat on their partner.

Most affairs begin at work - as high as 85 percent, in fact - and with shared experiences, time together, and opportunity it makes sense.

But it turns out that some professions are more prone to 'playing away' than others, for a variety of reasons.

In any case, there are some professions which it's safe to say do have a bit of a reputation.

Cheating is a horrible thing to do to a partner, violating trust and breaking down relationships, and it's best avoided no matter how tempting it might be.

Of course, this list just represents a statistical likelihood.

It doesn't mean people in certain jobs definitely do cheat, just that they are statistically more likely to.

So which professions are more likely to cheat?

Pilots are high on the list. (Getty stock image)
Pilots are high on the list. (Getty stock image)

Pilots and flight crew

Let's face it, no-one is surprised here.

Pilots are responsible for hundreds of lives, very good with their hands, and wear a smart uniform to work.

Not only that, both they and air crews also have a lot of opportunity for casual sex.

Layovers in cities all over the world, frequent time far away from home staying in hotels, boredom and isolation during the long, lonely hours between flights, and a much lower likelihood of getting caught.

It's about as potent a recipe for cheating as you could imagine.

Bankers and financiers

It might be a bit of a generalisation, but it is backed up by research.

Our ethics have an impact on how we conduct ourselves in our personal and professional lives, and banking and high-end finance can involve some less-than savoury practices.

It might be a bit of a generalisation, but it is backed up by research. (Getty stock image)
It might be a bit of a generalisation, but it is backed up by research. (Getty stock image)

Doctors and nurses

Talk about high pressure and high stress jobs, it doesn't get much more so than medicine.

Sharing traumatic experiences with co-workers might create a stronger bond with them and alienate someone from a non-medical partner.

Not to mention being so in and amongst death can make someone more willing to seize opportunities as they arise.

And did we mention the high stress?

Those in the medical industry were on the list too. (Getty stock photo)
Those in the medical industry were on the list too. (Getty stock photo)


Weren't expecting that one were you?

A combination of high levels of burnout, low self esteem, frustration, and being blamed for things outside your control is conducive to cheating.

Feeling unsupported and isolated in your professional life might also make someone want to seek validation in other places.

Featured Image Credit: Getty Stock Images

Topics: News, Sex and Relationships