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Expert shares three major warning signs of a 'doomed' relationship

Expert shares three major warning signs of a 'doomed' relationship

Licensed counselor Suzanne Degges-White has revealed the red flags to look out for

Everybody wants to know the key to having a good and healthy relationship, but many are scared to know the signs of having a bad one.

However, being aware of unhealthy tendencies that your partner - or even yourself - may have could make a world of difference and even save you from investing any more time into a 'doomed' relationship.

According to an expert, there's three major warning signs of a 'doomed' relationship. (Getty Stock Image)
According to an expert, there's three major warning signs of a 'doomed' relationship. (Getty Stock Image)

Luckily, we have experts who analyze and dissect dating patterns and can give a generalized list of things to look out for in these situations.

One such expert is licensed counselor Suzanne Degges-White.

The Northern Illinois University professor spoke to Business Insider about the three signs which could show you're in a 'doomed' relationship - even if you don't realize it yet.

You delay going home

The first of these is especially noticeable if you live with your partner, as it relates to returning home from work or an outing.

If you subconsciously delay going home, or maybe even just dread it, that could be a sign of your relationship decaying before your very eyes.

While less intense, this could also mean avoiding seeing or spending time with your partner in the event that you do not live with them.

"You look for reasons that you can delay spending time with that person," Degges-White noted.

Not responding to your partner's text messages could be a tell-tale sign. (Getty Stock Image)
Not responding to your partner's text messages could be a tell-tale sign. (Getty Stock Image)

You avoid texting back

The second red flag to self-identify also ties in with avoiding your partner, though rather than physically evading them, this pertains to not responding to their text messages.

While some might see it as mere forgetfulness, it can sometimes mean much more than that.

Degges-White told Business Insider that one of the biggest signs of an unhealthy relationship is 'when you find yourself engaged in self-protection, avoidance behaviors'.

Don't end up like these two. (pexels/Vera Arsic)
Don't end up like these two. (pexels/Vera Arsic)

You can't picture your future with them

Lastly, the professor explained that being unable to envision a future with your significant other could mean you don’t have a romantic future with them.

If you find yourself lacking hopefulness when it comes to the next steps you and your partner may take - be it marriage, kids, or even just moving in together - according to the expert, it could be a sign that the end of your relationship is a foregone conclusion.

Furthermore, if you can’t seem to work out how your partner fits into your future plans and goals as an individual, it could mean that you subconsciously don’t want them in your life long-term.

Degges-White also revealed the signs of a good relationship in contrast to these red flags, saying: “You're more likely to experience feelings of gratitude for the person you're with… You feel hopeful about the future - your focus is on what's coming next versus mistakes you've made."

Featured Image Credit: Getty Stock Images

Topics: Sex and Relationships, Life

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