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Service dog receives diploma alongside owner at college graduation

Service dog receives diploma alongside owner at college graduation

People are flooding to social media in awe of a student's service dog after the animal received his own university diploma.

People are flooding to social media in awe of a student's service dog after the animal received his own university diploma.

A six-year-old yellow Labrador-Golden Retriever mix has graduated from a university in New Jersey.

Yes, you read that right. If you needed some wholesome news today, or just a good old cry, then prepare to reach for your tissues as you watch Justin the service dog going up on stage to collect his diploma - and stare down disappointedly at your own dog as it pointlessly chases its own tail for the tenth time today.

Throughout her time studying for her Bachelor of Science in Education degree at Seton Hall University, Grace Mariani had service dog Justin right by her side.

With the pair united through nonprofit organisation Canine Companions for Independence Long Island, Justin has supported Grace through her university experience and come to every single one of the classes she's attended.

Subsequently, in honour of the six-year-old woofer's dedication to not only the university's classes, but his loyalty and support to his owner, when Grace went up to receive her diploma, Justin was awarded one too.

Justin probably would've preferred something edible if we're being honest.
Twitter/ @SetonHall

A video of the pair going up to receive their diplomas shows Seton Hall President Joseph Nyre bending down to give Justin his scroll.

After some encouragement from Grace, Justin gently takes the scroll in his mouth, causing the crowd to erupt in applause and the university's president to raise his hands in the air, cheering in celebration.

Justin wags his tail, accepting the award exceedingly gracefully, before dutifully following his owner off the stage.

Justin collected his diploma alongside his owner Grace Mariani.
Twitter/ @SetonHall

The video - which has since gone viral - was originally uploaded to Twitter by Seton Hall University's official account.

The tweet reads: "Seton Hall President Joseph E. Nyre, Ph.D. presents Justin, the service dog for Grace Mariani, of Mahwah, NJ, with a diploma for attending all of Grace’s classes at Seton Hall."

A loyal, clever and adorable dog getting a diploma? It's not hard to imagine the reaction which has erupted online.

The crowd went absolutely wild after Justin accepted his diploma.
Twitter/ @SetonHall

Flooding to the video shared by Seton Hall, Twitter users are bursting with praise for Justin.

One user wrote: "This has to be the sweetest thing I have ever seen! I cheered with everyone! Well worth the ovation! Congratulations Grace and Justin!"

"This is awesome," another said.

Canine Companions - the company who trained Justin and united him with Grace - added: "Congratulations, Grace and #servicedog Justin! Thank you, @SetonHall, for sharing this special moment!"

Featured Image Credit: Today

Topics: Animals, Dogs, US News, Education