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Russian state TV presenter says Moscow should have bombed the UK during the Queen's funeral

Russian state TV presenter says Moscow should have bombed the UK during the Queen's funeral

Anchor Olga Skabeyeva was speaking with guests on Russian state television just hours after the Queen was laid to rest.

A Russian television presenter believes Moscow should have bombed the United Kingdom during the Queen’s state funeral.

Controversial anchor Olga Skabeyeva was speaking with guests on Russian state television just hours after the Queen was laid to rest on Monday (September 19). 

The 37-year-old, who has been handed the nickname ‘Iron Doll of Putin TV’, was discussing when her country could use its nuclear weapons to show its power.

Skabeyeva was agreeing with panelist retired military commander Andrey Gurulyov’s assessment that the UK should be the target of Russian attacks.

Russian Media Monitor Julia Davis, flagged the video on her Twitter in which the ‘Iron Doll’ says: “We should have done it today, all the best people are [in Britain] for the funeral.”

With a smirk, she added: “God forgive me.”

Gurulyov had told state channel Russia-1: "Why would we bomb Ukraine or Germany when there is Britain, the root of evil?

"When Britain is turned into a Martian desert, will they defend a Martian desert as per their fifth article? There will be nothing left."

Ah yes, ‘the root of evil’ in comparison to television show discussing who they should nuke first.

Gurulyov had been referencing Article Five of the North Atlantic Treaty Organisation (NATO) in which an attack on one ally is considered an act of violence on all members.

The retired Russian deputy added: "I assure you, everyone will back down, they will not use the strategic nuclear forces."

Russia-1 is known for routinely broadcasting propaganda to the country, and has the second largest audience in Russia. 

Andrey Gurulyov.
Creative Commons.

In fact, this isn’t even the first time Gurulyov has proposed a nuclear attack on the United Kingdom while appearing on Russian state television.

According to Yahoo News, he claimed last month the quickest way to defeat and invade Ukraine was to ‘wipe out the British Isles’ and turn it into a ‘third world country’. 

The overblown rhetoric comes amid reports of Ukraine reclaiming large parts of the Kharkiv region in recent weeks.

It has led Russian presenters to actually question the Kremlin’s methods in invading their neighbouring country. 

However, the public is seemingly turning away from the state-run shows.

According to The Moscow Times as per Newsweek, a survey run by the independent Rosmir polling centre found that only 65 per cent of the respondents were tuning in to state-run TV stations as compared to 86 per cent in February. 

Featured Image Credit: @JuliaDavisNews/Twitter. PA Images / Alamy.

Topics: Russia, Ukraine, The Queen, UK News