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Picture Showing $70 Worth Of Groceries In USA's Most Expensive City Is Blowing People's Minds

Picture Showing $70 Worth Of Groceries In USA's Most Expensive City Is Blowing People's Minds

Ah, food shopping, the one time of the week we can treat ourselves and still feel like an adult.

One Reddit user has shared what $70 worth of groceries will get you in America's most expensive city.

Spoiler - it's not a lot.

Ah, food shopping, the one time of the week we can treat ourselves and still feel like an adult.

Maybe this week you'll have Coco Pops for breakfast, or a full fry up, the possibilities are endless.

So long as you can pay, which has actually been a pretty sobering reality for many as the cost of living crisis continues.

Still, it seems that the US is also no stranger to paying an arm and a leg for, well, some pretty sad-looking chicken legs.

As one Reddit user, IMovedYourCheese, shared their latest food haul with the caption "This is $70 worth of groceries in the most expensive city in the USA."

For anyone wondering, the most expensive city is San Fransisco.

Naturally, people were quick to chime in with one user suggesting the shopper should switch out the veggies: "Don’t get me wrong; I love healthy fresh food. But you could stretch $70 to more meals in just a couple of middle aisles. You won’t be getting everything your body needs but your belly will be full."

A few of the items were from Whole Foods.

You might not get five a day, but let's be honest, who does?

Another suggested: "I'm not sure why everything is pre-packaged and portioned out either. Buy all that fresh produce loose and it'll be even cheaper."

To be fair, that's usually the case in our local shop - even if it does make things a pain to pack.

Not everyone was surprised by the shopping though, with one user clearly underwhelmed by the post: "Yeah, I'm confused as to which direction this post was meant to go in. It doesn't seem like an excessive amount of groceries for $70, and $70 doesn't seem like an excessive cost for this amount of groceries. This just seems… like a normal amount of groceries for a normal cost…"

Some users were saying to ditch the veggies.

While Canadians were saying the value for money was actually pretty good: "LOL. I was about to type something similar. No joke. Here in Canada, this would come up to $120 easily. That salad bag alone would come up to $7cad."

Another said: "This looks like a lot of food? But I don’t know, I use CAD dollars so maybe the difference makes it seem like a bargain."

Either way, it's pretty safe to say we won't be moving to San Francisco anytime soon - or Canada, for that matter.

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Featured Image Credit: r/IMovedYourCheese/Reddit / Alamy

Topics: Food and Drink, News