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Radio DJs Kick Guest Off-Air After He Said Men Should Be Allowed To Cheat

Radio DJs Kick Guest Off-Air After He Said Men Should Be Allowed To Cheat

Neither Kyle nor Jackie O warmed to their guests

A pair of radio DJs kicked a couple of guests off after they said that men should be allowed to cheat.

Myron Gaines and Walter Weekes, from the Fresh & Fit Podcast, joined Kyle and Jackie O on their radio show in Australia last week to talk about relationships.

However, neither of the presenters warmed to either guest following a series of outlandish claims about monogamy.

At one point, Gaines told Jackie O that men and women are inherently different and that men should be free to spread their seed when they're in a relationship.

As you can imagine, it did not go down well. At all.

He said: "Women like attention, men want sex. Men and women are not the same.

"So my thing is a man is capable of having sex with other women while still loving his girl the same."

Jackie O then jumped in: "You're actually saying that it's ok for men to go and explore other options but we have to be happy with you and not explore options?"

Gaines replied: "Absolutely, closed on your end, open on my end, and I think... "

"Why? Why would anyone agree to that?" asked Jackie O.

Kyle then said: "You can't just go throwing that thing around." I spoke to Dan Bilzerian... "

Gaines interrupted, asking the presenters to 'let him finish', but Kyle bit back, telling him his answers were 'boring' and that he never answered their questions properly.

He then told the two lads to do one.

"I'm sick of you asking to finish your long, boring answers that are the same answer every time we ask you a question," he shouted.

Gaines was booted off the show after clashing with the hosts.

"Just turn these clowns off. See ya, fellas. Grow up, ring us back when you're 30 and you've got half a brain and you're not running around being led by your own d***s. Bye bye, see ya later! Turn them off!"

Elsewhere in the interview, Gaines had also said that women shouldn't be allowed to have Instagram if they're in a relationship.

He said: "If I am going to commit to you, give you a marriage, give you a title, give you a ring, give you children – I expect a certain type of woman."

After Jackie O told him that women didn't belong to men and asked him to explain himself, Gaines added: "You might not like it, it might hurt your feelings, you might say 'I’m not a piece of property’ or whatever, but with all due respect, f**k your feelings."

Featured Image Credit: @kyleandjackieo

Topics: Australia, Weird, Sex and Relationships, Viral, TikTok