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Nine in 10 living people were born while The Queen reigned

Nine in 10 living people were born while The Queen reigned

The vast majority of people alive today have never known a world where the Queen did not reign over the UK

At least nine out of 10 people living in the world today were born while Queen Elizabeth II reigned over the United Kingdom.

When the Queen ascended to the throne in 1952 following the death of her father King George VI, the world was a very different place.

In Britain, Winston Churchill was prime minister while abroad Harry S Truman was US president and the Soviet Union was still under the thumb of Joseph Stalin, though it wouldn't be for much longer.

In her 70 years on the throne she has seen many major figures come and go, but at the same time the vast majority of the world's current living population has been born.

Before her death aged 96 on Thursday (8 September), at least nine out of 10 people living in the world had never known any monarch reigning over the UK besides the Queen.

Nine billion people have been born since Elizabeth became Queen.
Trinity Mirror/Mirrorpix/Alamy Stock Photo

With her death and her son ascending to the throne to reign as King Charles III, her reign has become a point in history, a definitive period spanning seven decades in which so much has happened.

The world as it is today following the end of her reign is all but unrecognisable when compared to the one that existed when she first ascended to the throne.

According to the CIA's world factbook, 9.7 percent of the world's population are aged 65 or over, and since the Queen reigned for 70 years it means that at the very least around nine in 10 people living today were born while she was on the throne.

Entire generations all over the world were born and have lived with the Queen being a constant figure on the world stage throughout seven decades.

As an individual she could lay claim to being one of the most famous and recognisable people on Earth, even if at times some people meeting her didn't realise they were speaking to the Queen herself.

Queen Elizabeth II's reign spanned 70 years in which the world changed so much.
Trinity Mirror/Mirrorpix/Alamy Stock Photo

There have also been over nine billion people born into the world at a time when Elizabeth was Queen.

Those born now will grow up with King Charles III as the UK's monarch, while future generations born further down the line will likely live to see his son Prince William take the throne and in turn be succeeded by his son George.

Her Majesty's 70 years on the throne makes her the longest reigning British monarch, and one of the longest reigning heads of state ever in history.

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Featured Image Credit: Alpha Historica/Sueddeutsche Zeitung Photo/Alamy Stock Photo

Topics: The Queen, World News, UK News