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'QAnon Queen' told her followers to arrest police and it didn't go to plan

'QAnon Queen' told her followers to arrest police and it didn't go to plan

Two followers of Romana Didulo were arrested

A woman known as the 'QAnon Queen' told her followers to arrest police, which seemingly didn't quite go to plan.

Romana Didulo calls herself 'Queen of Canada' and has developed a big following on Telegram, which support her anti-government views.

At the time of writing she has nearly 61,000 subscribers - many of which follow her messages very closely.

She called upon her followers to arrest anyone who was involved with Canada’s rollout of COVID-19 vaccines.

Didulo remarkably told her followers to meet in Peterborough to detain Peterborough Police Service officers in their Water Street station and to wait for the military to arrive to arrest them.

Yes, you read that correctly.

Romana Didulo calls herself 'Queen of Canada' and has developed a big following on Telegram, which support her anti-government views.

On Saturday afternoon (13 August), Frank Curtin, one of Didulo’s followers in the Peterborough area, lead around 30 people to the police station.

Police said: "The group remained outside for several hours. 

"During which time, an incident involving a protester and a counter-protestor occurred. 

"Police are currently investigating this incident.

"Then at approximately 4:00pm officers arriving for their shift were blocked by protestors who also tried to gain access to a secured entrance of the police station. 

"The officers attempted to take a protester into custody when officers were surrounded. 

"A protester then struck two officers. 

"In all there were about 30 protesters at the time of the incident."


A 54-year-old Millbrook man was arrested and charged with 'mischief' and 'resist arrest', while a 56-year-old man was arrested and charged with two counts of 'assault police'.

On Monday (August 15), Peterborough police announced a third man had been arrested.

They said: "Officers took a 31-year-old Peterborough man into custody for his actions during the incident at the rear door of the police station which included kicking the door to the station and striking an officer while doing so.

"The suspect then repeatedly kicked at the door and further encouraged others to participate.

"The suspect then went to another area and began yelling and banging on the windows of several police cars with officers in them."


Police are still on the look-out for two more suspects.

The first suspect is said to be a white woman, approximately 65 years old and 5’3″ in height, who previously wore a light blue plaid blouse and sunglasses.

The second suspect is said to be a 50-to-60-year-old man with a white moustache and goatee and around 5’7″ in height, who wore a black leather vest with chains hanging from the pocket, blue jeans, and a black head scarf.

UNILAD has contacted Peterborough Police Service for further comment.

If you have a story you want to tell, send it to UNILAD via [email protected]  

Featured Image Credit: Telegram

Topics: US News, Crime