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Putin Calls Out Russian ‘Traitors’ In Chilling National Broadcast

Putin Calls Out Russian ‘Traitors’ In Chilling National Broadcast

President Vladimir Putin issued a stark warning to Russian 'traitors'

Vladimir Putin has issued a stark warning to those Russian 'traitors' who are more aligned with the West's way of thinking.

In a national broadcast today (March 16), the President said that the West wanted to try and use Russians as a 'fifth column' to destroy the native land.

However, the Kremlin leader claims that Russian people would be able to distinguish the 'traitors' from those who are pro-war.

He said: 'Of course they (the West) will try to bet on the so-called fifth column, on traitors - on those who earn their money here, but live over there.

'Live, not in the geographical sense, but in the sense of their thoughts, their slavish thinking.'

Nearly three weeks into Russia's invasion of Ukraine, Putin took aim at those disagreed with his actions.

He added: 'The collective West wants to divide our society... to provoke civil confrontation in Russia and to use its fifth column to strive to achieve its aim.

'And there is one aim - the destruction of Russia.'

He continued: 'Any people, and especially the Russian people, will always be able to distinguish the true patriots from the scum and the traitors, and just to spit them out like a midge that accidentally flew into their mouths.

'I am convinced that this natural and necessary self-cleansing of society will only strengthen our country, our solidarity, cohesion and readiness to meet any challenge.'

Putin's eerie address to the nation coincided with the journalist who appeared on Russian TV with a war protest sign.

Marina Ovsyannikova has reportedly appeared in court over the incident and could face up to 10 days in prison. 

The journalist went 'missing' after the protest.
Channel One

She staged her one-woman protest during a live report on Russian TV and according to the BBC’s Will Vernon, she is now in court in Moscow.

The journalist is being charged with organising an unauthorised public event, and faces a fine of up to 30,000 roubles (around £200), or community service, or up to 10 days in jail.

Ovsyannikova appeared during the evening news report on state-run TV broadcaster Channel One. 

While the reporter was speaking, Ovsyannikova ran onto the set behind the news presenter and held up a sign reading, 'Stop the war, Don’t believe propaganda, They’re lying to you'.

The newsreader continued with her report without responding, while Ovsyannikova stood behind her shouting, 'Stop the war, no to war'.

If you would like to donate to the Red Cross Emergency Appeal, which will help provide food, medicines and basic medical supplies, shelter and water to those in Ukraine, click here for more information 

Featured Image Credit: Alamy

Topics: Ukraine, Russia, Vladimir Putin