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Psychiatrist Testifies On Johnny Depp’s ‘Narcissistic Traits'

Psychiatrist Testifies On Johnny Depp’s ‘Narcissistic Traits'

Dr David Spiegel appeared on the stand as Depp's defamation trial against his ex-wife entered its final week

A psychiatrist who was called to give testimony by Amber Heard's legal team discussed what he claims to be Johnny Depp's 'narcissistic traits'.

Dr David Spiegel appeared on the stand today, 23 May, as Depp's defamation trial against his ex-wife entered its final week.

Under direct examination, he suggested the Pirates of the Caribbean star is narcissistic despite later admitting that he hasn't examined the actor.

"The fact he thought that Amber owed him and only wanted to be together with him because of his fame is an example of that," Spiegel said.

When asked about the 'narcissistic traits' he believes Depp displays, he said: "If you're not agreeing with what Mr Depp has to say, you are no longer useful, okay, therefore you don't really care about others for others, you care about others for your benefit."

Spiegel was also questioned about Depp's alleged envy, to which he stated: "I think Ms Heard wanted to have a career beyond what she has, and the jealousy parts of Mr Franco and I think others... I think it's pretty apparent."

He then discussed 'fragile self-esteem', which he described as a 'trait' rather than a 'narcissistic behaviour', adding: "Basically what that means will be the combination of poor self control and rapid mood states."

An additional topic brought up was the fact that Depp has been seen doodling on notes and eating candy alongside his legal team during the trial.

Many of Depp's supporters have found these moments endearing, with body language experts suggesting the actor is carrying out these activities in order to manage his emotional reaction to traumatic moments as they are brought up in court.

Spiegel was asked by Heard's lawyer if these behaviours have anything to do with narcissism, but Depp's attorneys objected to the question and it was sustained by the judge.

While under cross-examination, the psychiatrist was asked whether he had diagnosed the actor with narcissistic personality disorder.

“I would certainly, if I didn’t, I’m certainly thinking that, but at least I’m going to say he has traits," he said. "So it’s a provisional diagnosis of narcissistic personality disorder.”

When the lawyer questioned whether he had violated the Goldwater Rule, prohibiting mental health experts from diagnosing people they have not examined, Spiegel appeared to grow defensive, stating: "If you want the jury to believe that expert witness are unethical, then I guess that's for them to decide."

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Featured Image Credit: Law and Crime Network

Topics: Johnny Depp, Amber Heard