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Joe Biden's dog Commander has bitten his 11th Secret Service employee at the White House

Joe Biden's dog Commander has bitten his 11th Secret Service employee at the White House

Former USSS agent Jonathan Wackrow says the German Shepherd is now a ‘significant hazard’ for staff.

Joe Biden’s dog Commander has bitten yet another Secret Service member.

It turns out the biggest diva in the White House is the German Shepherd who has now committed his 11th attack against staff.

The Washington Times reported that the uniformed officer was bitten by the pooch around 8pm earlier this week, USSS chief of communications Anthony Guglielmi confirmed.

Thankfully, the officer is doing just fine.

ABC News

Elizabeth Alexander, communications director for First Lady Jill Biden, said: “The White House can be a stressful environment for family pets, and the first family continues to work on ways to help Commander handle the often unpredictable nature of the White House grounds.”

She added: “Incredibly grateful to the Secret Service and Executive Residence staff for all they do to keep them, their family, and the country safe."

However, while speaking to CNN, former USSS agent Jonathan Wackrow said that Commander’s series of attacks means he's now a ‘significant hazard’ for staff at the Executive Mansion.

“There’s uniqueness here where it’s the residence of the president of the United States, but it’s also the workplace for hundreds, thousands of people,” he said.

“And you can’t bring a hazard into the workplace. And that’s what is essentially happening with this dog. One time you can say it’s an accident, but now multiple incidents, it’s a serious issue.”

ABC News

President Biden welcomed the adorable yet feisty pup in 2021 after receiving him as a gift from his brother, James Biden, and sister-in-law, Sara Biden.

But soon after, Commander began gaining a reputation for ‘aggressive behavior’.

In July, a spokesperson for the family revealed that Commander had bitten at least seven people.

The New York Post reported Commander bit the people over a four-month period, while CNN claims the dog was involved in 10 incidents.

One required an officer to go to a local hospital after Commander clamped down on his arm and thighs.

In another accident, the First Lady was said to have been unable to 'regain control' of Commander when he launched at a member of the Secret Service.

Another time, the German Shepherd reportedly attacked another staff member while roaming around free on the grounds of the White House.

Mr Biden previously moved his other German Shepherd Major from the White House after experts recommended it would be safer for him to live in a quieter environment.

Perhaps Commander might face a relocation soon, too?

Featured Image Credit: ABC News

Topics: News, Animals, Dogs, Joe Biden, Politics