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Woman's Oversized Cat Is So Big People Can't Believe It Isn't A Dog

Woman's Oversized Cat Is So Big People Can't Believe It Isn't A Dog

Kefir lives in Russia and is still considered a kitten - and he's expected to get even bigger.


Meet Kefir, the world's largest cat. In no uncertain terms, he's absolutely massive.

Cats come in all shapes in sizes: some are adorably fat, slinking and slouching around your house without a care in the world; others are small and titchy; and for Yulia Minina, the proud owner of the biggest cat in the world, he's fluffy and enormous.

Yulia lives in the small Russian town of Stary Oskol. She bought Kefir, named after a milky drink, almost two years ago as a small Maine Coon kitten. However, even after all this time, he's still growing.

'I could not even think that an ordinary baby can become so big. He not only grew up big in appearance, he is also very smart and always behaves calmly,' Yulia said.

While Kefir looks like a pretty formidable pet – you'd probably have to take a deep breath before approaching him – he's actually really affectionate and a 'modest child'.

'When friends and acquaintances come to the house – all the attention is on him and he willingly allows himself to be stroked. But when strangers come to the house, everyone first confuses him with a dog,' his owner added.

Kefir is still growing. (SWNS)
Kefir is still growing. (SWNS)

Despite his size, Kefir is still every bit as playful and mischievous as a normal kitten, especially at night. 'He has one more habit: at night he likes to climb on me and sleep. When he was a kitten, it didn’t cause me any inconvenience,' Yulia said.

'But now he has become big and heavy, and, of course, it is difficult to sleep like that. Kefir is now one year and 10 months old and weighs 12.5kg.'

Kefir is still considered a kitten, and even at the size he is now, he's still got another couple of years of growing to go. 'Therefore, I think it should become even larger,' she said. As for whether he's actually that big, Yulia added, 'I don't use Photoshop.'

Yulia bought Kefir two years ago without knowing he big he'd get. (SWNS)
Yulia bought Kefir two years ago without knowing he big he'd get. (SWNS)

The cat has received quite the reaction online. 'You’ve got to be kitten me!' one user joked. 'That’s not a cat, it’s a baby white tiger. She has to be careful,' another commented.

'Maybe because it’s a f*cking jungle cat than a house cat,' a third wrote. 'That ain’t no cat, that a big ass white tiger,' a fourth commented. 'Who is mistaking that giant cat for anything other than a giant f*cking cat?!' another joked.

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Featured Image Credit: UNILAD

Topics: Animals, Cats, Now