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Nurse Says That Amber Heard Would Follow Johnny Depp From Room To Room

Nurse Says That Amber Heard Would Follow Johnny Depp From Room To Room

The defamation trial between Mr Depp and Ms Heard began on Monday 11 April in Fairfax, Virginia

Johnny Depp's former private nurse said Amber Heard would try to 'investigate' the actor by following him 'from room to room and not give him his space'.

The Pirates of the Caribbean star is suing ex-wife Amber Heard in a $50 million (£38.2 million) defamation lawsuit. Depp claims an opinion piece she wrote for The Washington Post, which insinuated she was a victim of domestic abuse during their marriage, have taken away his 'ability to walk down the street'.

And according to Depp's former nurse Debbie Lloyd, who spoke out during her deposition on 8 March, she claimed she had personally witnessed Heard's own abusive actions on more than one occasion.

The former private nurse of Johnny Depp has spoken out about what she witnessed between the actor and Amber Heard.

"He was going from room to room trying to remove himself from a situation and she would just follow him from room to room and not give him his space," she said.

Lloyd also recalled an incident where the former couple were having a fight on a plane.

She described it as 'another instance where he was sitting at a table and not wanting to talk and she wouldn’t leave the table'.

"She wouldn’t leave the table and he was saying ‘please, just go away," the nurse added.

Heard would reportedly 'follow Depp from room to room' and 'not give him his space'.

A 'combination of notes' taken by both Dr Kipper (Depp's former doctor) and Debbie Lloyd was shown to the jurors, giving an insight into the star's battles with substance abuse and his mental health.

The document detailed each meeting, calling Depp – 'the patient' – 'pleasant and cooperative' in two different accounts.

Depp was viewed as appearing 'motivated to make positive changes to his life' and 'able to identify some negative consequences of current medication usage and looks forward to living a healthier lifestyle'.

Dr Kipper, also stated he 'never saw Depp abuse Heard or witnessed any evidence of abuse. He also says he never witnessed Heard abuse Depp', according to Law Crime Daily reporter Sierra Gillespie.

"Dr. Kipper also states he never saw injuries on Heard consistent with domestic abuse, nor was told by Heard that Depp was abusive toward her," the report reads.

Questioned about Depp's finger injury in Australia, Dr Kipper recounted being present at the emergency room with Depp.

The doctor noted he didn't notice Heard having any 'visible injuries' at the time, 'including swelling, cuts or bruises' and if he had, they would have been documented.

When asked whether or not Depp had ever confided in him saying Heard had abused him, the doctor responded: "No, not that I can recall."

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Topics: Johnny Depp, Amber Heard