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Mum Claims Smoking Weed While Looking After Her Kids Is No Different To Drinking Wine

Mum Claims Smoking Weed While Looking After Her Kids Is No Different To Drinking Wine

She claims she's called a 'bad mom' for smoking cannabis.

A Canadian mum has spoken out in defence of using cannabis to help relax after a hard day of parenting or even while the kids play.

Mother of two Caitlin Fladager has defended her use of cannabis, which is legal for medicinal and recreational use where she lives in Canada. She claims it is no different from other mothers drinking wine or even taking anxiety medication.

The 28-year-old hit back at those that judge her habit in a recent Instagram post. Sharing a post with her 642,000 followers, Caitlin wrote: "If you see a mum drinking wine while she watches her kids and it doesn’t bother you, or taking her anxiety medication, then this shouldn’t bother you either."

She added: "Medicating naturally has done amazing things for me as a mother and my mental health, as well as a wife. I’m just hoping with this we can take one big step forward to normalizing medicating naturally – for all parents."

This isn't the first time that Caitlin has spoken out about using cannabis in her everyday life.

In another video she said: "When another mum judges me for using weed while she pours her third glass of wine… wow you crazy, you crazy girl."

The mum from Vancouver has been forced to defend her habits, saying: "I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again. This double standard has got to stop.

"I constantly see shirts, posters, signs, mugs, etc that say 'mommy needs a glass of wine'. Or 'mom juice'. But the second a mother says she uses cannabis, it’s instant judgment a lot of time time."

In another post, she wrote: "I will forever share the benefits of this plant, and the amazing ways it can be used when done properly and with good intentions."

Caitlin regularly speaks out on her Instagram about her use of cannabis for her mental health.

Cailtin believes her use of cannabis has made her a calmer and more relaxed parent, and believes that others should be allowed to speak out about their use of the drug. On Instagram, she wrote: "I have never been the most patient with my two kids. 

"Weed makes me a better mom, as I get a good night’s sleep after I smoke. I wake up well rested, and with a more clear mind."

Caitlin isn't alone either, as her posts have seen other parents speak out about their use of cannabis. One Instagram user commented: "I am a better mother and partner because I have cannabis in my toolkit. Is it a be all, end all solution? Of course not – nothing is. But it’s a large part of how I care for myself so I can care for others and I’m so glad to see it represented in this way."

Another added: "Thank you for advocating for us cannamoms! cannabis makes it able for me to play with my toddler. otherwise, my pain, depression, and ptsd make me shut down. I wish I had the courage to publicly post about it without getting backlash!!"

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Featured Image Credit: Instagram/@caitlinfladager

Topics: Parenting, Drugs, Instagram