People are in awe over a video which tries to recreate the 'seven levels' of psychedelic experience.
A professional psychedelic researcher has created a YouTube video to represent different psychedelic experiences.
Prepare for your mind to be boggled:
Within her research, Josie Kins uses subjective effective documentation to create visual imagery to make sense of the psychedelic experience.
In one of her latest videos, she tries to 'establish a comprehensive intensity scale for measuring the seven distinct levels of the psychedelic experience, in accordance with the terminology laid out within the Subjective Effect Index and in collaboration with various artists from the 'replications community'.
Viewers have been left astounded by the video and have flooded to the comments to say how accurate it is.

Kins explains she's created the video in order to try and describe the 'intensity of psychedelic experiences ranging from sub-perceptual micro-dose to the complete obliteration of your ability to remain conscious and process information'.
The creator notes the scale applies to most of the normal psychedelics - psychedelics being drugs such as LSD or magic mushrooms.
However, the researcher added there are 'still some psychedelic substances which are outliers in terms of their subjective effect profiles'.
"Or that may be less likely to induce certain states or effects regardless of the amount," she continues.

Kins also refers to the Shulgin Rating Scale and Timothy Leary's 'five levels of psychedelic experience' - both of which helped 'inspire and inform' her scale.
The researcher's own scale goes from level zero, labelled 'Subperceptual', to level six which is 'Extreme'. This top level features videos which range from animals such as cats, to landscape scenes from the perspective of someone walking through the street and more abstract visions - all narrated and explained by Kins.
Her motivation for the project? "To improve our ability to communicate with each other about the experiences of altered states of consciousness.
"And describing the level of intensity for an experience is probably one of the more difficult or imprecise components of this work."

Reflecting on her scale, Kins states she thinks it's definitely 'by far the most functional' she's found for describing each intensity level.
And it's not just Kins who thinks so, but viewers of the video too.
One said: "I have NEVER seen visuals be so correct than the first 3 stages. Exactly what it's like on acid."
"Most accurate representation of psychedelic visuals I’ve ever seen. Hands down," another wrote.
A third commented: "Your representation of the visual effects are absolutely spot-on."
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