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People Are Calling For Mandatory Castration Following Roe V Wade Ruling

People Are Calling For Mandatory Castration Following Roe V Wade Ruling

People are calling for men to be chemically castrated following the Roe V Wade ruling in the US.

People are calling for the US to consider introducing chemical castration for all men following the overturning of Roe V Wade.

Chemical castration is a very real medical procedure that involves the use of anaphrodisiac drugs or chemicals to stop the production of sex hormones - namely testosterone and dihydrotestosterone (DHT).

After millions of women across the States lost their legal right to have an abortion last week, people have been suggesting new solutions to prevent unwanted pregnancies.

Demonstrations have been held around the world against the decision to overturn Roe v Wade.

Taking to Twitter to brainstorm the idea, one user sarcastically suggested: "The real solution to unwanted pregnancy would be chemical castration of every of age male. After a male's spermarche, anaphrodisiac drugs are prescribed until deemed mentally (and financially) stable to bear children. Sounds reasonable? #roevwade."

A second pointed out: "Land of the free for males - especially white males. Castration would eliminate the need for abortion. Just sayin'."

And a third added: "Now that Roe V Wade is overturned - the US Supreme Court should now consider chemical castration of every reproductive male to protect reproductive rights of every female & require males to donate sperm for IVF family planning thus eliminating need for contraception or abortion."

Undergoing a chemical castration involves regular doctors appointments, during which, a patient will either be administered the drugs by injection or through implants.

According to Healthline, side effects of the procedure can include erectile dysfunction, reduced sexual desire, growth of breast tissue, and shrinkage of the testicles and penis.

While chemical castration might not sound like the most reasonable solution, the point is that policing the bodies of half of the US population is unreasonable.


Lawmaker Mickey Dollens has meanwhile proposed that young men in his state of Oklahoma be forced to have vasectomies, which would only be reversed once a man could prove that he was financially and emotionally stable.

Once again, the suggestion was made to prove a point. Oklahoma is currently the strictest state in the US on abortion rights, having already given final approval on a bill that bans abortions from the moment of fertilisation in almost all cases.

Responding to Republicans who thought his idea was 'crazy', Dollens said: "Maybe you understand how 50 percent of Oklahomans feel."

The Supreme Court's overturning of Roe Vs Wade last weekend has sparked widespread condemnation, with large protests already spreading across the US and international figures using their platforms to speak out against the ruling.


Now that women are no longer protected by the 1973 Roe Vs Wade ruling, it is expected that US states will begin enforcing individual abortion bans.

Thirteen states have already moved to pass trigger laws that automatically outlaw abortion, with more states expected to enforce new legal restrictions in the near future.

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Featured Image Credit: Alamy

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