A man out fishing in his kayak got the fright of his life when an alligator popped right up beside him and scared the s*** out of him. You can see his terrifying moment in the video below.
Of course, if you’re out and about fishing in the south of America, alligators are a threat that you really have to be alive to.
If you’re not, you could quite easily end up not being alive, full stop.
That part of the world is teeming with alligators, and Louisiana has more alligators than any other state in the United States.
So, you can’t really call what happened to Lance Burgos in the Lake Fausse Pointe State Park in that state a surprise, though that’s exactly what he got at the time.
Burgos was out fishing – a popular pastime wherever you are – in his kayak when he started dragging on what he must have thought was just a really big fish.
Hauling in his line, he soon realised that it wasn’t actually a fish at all, but a huge alligator.
As he was inspecting his lines and pulling the floats out of the water, he said to his mate: “I think we’ve got a garfish, dude!”
Unfortunately, that wasn’t what he had on the end of the line at all.
As we’ve already said, it was a big-a** gator, which, in case you’re wondering, is exactly what he said at the time.
“Oh my God, that’s a big-a** gator, buddy! That is a big gator!” he exclaimed.
Stating the obvious much, man.
After he realised how close a call he’d just had, Lance said: “Oh holy God, that was right by me. Woo!”
Louisiana is absolutely chock full of ‘gators. There are thought to be as many as two million of the things lurking in the many waterways and rivers around the state.
Add that to the million or so in Florida and you’ll realise that they’re hardly endangered around that part of the world.

Luckily, the Louisiana Wildlife and Fisheries department have some helpful advice on their website as to what you should do if you find yourself somewhere that the ‘gators might be.
First thing to remember is that they’re not mad about humans.
The website reads: “Alligators have a natural fear of humans and usually quickly retreat when approached by people.
“If you have a close encounter with an alligator a few yards away, back away slowly.
“If you hear an alligator hiss, it's a warning that you are too close.”
Get outta there, if that’s the case.
The website also says that you should steer well clear of mother alligators, as they’re more likely to attack.
Also, keep your pets on a leash as the alligator might not be scared of them, potentially viewing a dog as an easy snack.

The website continues: “If you see an alligator in a roadway, yard, or other unexpected place, DO NOT attempt to move it.
“It is dangerous and illegal for the general public to handle or possess alligators.
“If you see a large alligator in your favorite swimming hole or pond, do not swim with it. “Although alligator attacks in Louisiana are rare, it can happen.
“Attack reports in Louisiana are usually more accurately described as encounters.
“As with all outdoor activities, keep in mind that wildlife encounters are always a possibility.”
That first bit there shouldn’t need saying.
If you’re about to go around getting into a body of water that you know has an alligator in it, you almost deserve what’s about to happen to you.
Just don’t.