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Jurors Were 'Dozing Off' During Johnny Depp Vs Amber Heard Defamation Trial

Jurors Were 'Dozing Off' During Johnny Depp Vs Amber Heard Defamation Trial

The trial went on for six weeks, with freelance court reporter Judy Bellinger saying not all of the jurors could 'make it until the end'

Jurors were ‘dozing off’ during the lengthy Johnny Depp vs Amber Heard defamation trial, according to a reporter who was in the court to watch the events unfold.  

The case finally came to an end last week, with the jury finding that Heard did defame her ex-husband in a 2018 Washington Post op-ed. In turn, Depp was awarded $15 million in damages while Heard, despite losing her case, was awarded $2 million by the jury. 

The trial went on for six weeks before reaching a conclusion, with freelance court reporter Judy Bellinger saying not all of the jurors could ‘make it to the end’, and that some even struggled to stay awake.

Speaking to Law and Crime Network, Bellinger said: “I remember the jury […] were listening very intently, and unfortunately when the jury was chosen, we knew that there gonna be some that would not see it all the way through – that there were alternates. We knew who the alternates were from the start because they just picked the names randomly.” 

Bellinger said there was one alternate that stuck out as the ‘best juror’, but that even she struggled to get through the trial. 

“I watched her facial expressions, she was very deeply into every word that was being said,” she said. 

“I thought she would have made a great juror, and she did not make it to the end.” 

Going into further detail about why this particular juror was so good, Bellinger said: “She was playing close attention. You know, there were a few jurors who were dozing off. She never, never dozed off.” 

When asked if the jurors who were falling asleep were in the front or back row, Bellinger replied: “Both. And it was tough because there was a lot of video deposition, and they would just sit there and all of a sudden I’d see their head drop.” 

Amber Heard awaiting the verdict.

The highly publicised and televised trial saw multiple witnesses take to the stand to testify, including the likes of Depp's ex-partner and British supermodel Kate Moss, who testified on his alleged violence.

Psychologists who commented on Heard's mental state also testified, as well as Depp's bodyguard, who testified on the actor's drug use.

Depp and Heard testified themselves, with Heard saying of their divorce in 2016: "I knew if I didn't I'd likely not literally survive. I was so scared that it was going to end really badly for me and I really didn't want to leave him, I loved him so much.

"I would have done anything but I couldn't do that one thing, I couldn't stay."

After winning the case, Depp said in a statement that he had been the subject of 'false, very serious and criminal allegations', which triggered an 'endless barrage of hateful content' and had a 'seismic impact' on his life and career.

He added: "The jury gave me my life back. I am truly humbled."

In her own statement issued after the verdict, Heard said: "I'm sad I lost this case. But I am sadder still that I seem to have lost a right I thought I had as an American – to speak freely and openly."

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Featured Image Credit: Law and Crime Network

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