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Joe Rogan Calls Out Jordan Peterson For Dead-Naming Elliot Page

Joe Rogan Calls Out Jordan Peterson For Dead-Naming Elliot Page

Joe Rogan has addressed Jordan Peterson's temporary Twitter ban after the psychologist deadnamed Elliot Page.

Joe Rogan has addressed Jordan Peterson's temporary Twitter ban after the psychologist deadnamed Elliot Page.

American commentator Rogan is known for using his podcast to speak out boldly about his views, whether it be on former US President Donald Trump being a 'man baby' or sparking outrage by talking about shooting homeless people.

On Tuesday, 19 July's episode of The Joe Rogan Experience, the 54-year-old was joined by Zachary Levi to discuss the American Underdog actor's recently released memoir, Radical Love: Learning To Accept Yourself and Others.

However, Jordan Peterson ended up coming in conversation, prompting Rogan to discuss the reason why the Canadian clinical psychologist ended up being kicked off Twitter.

Joe Rogan has addressed Jordan Peterson's temporary Twitter ban.
The Joe Rogan Experience

In the episode, Levi called Peterson a man with 'a lot of integrity' as well as one of the 'deepest thinkers' who has analysed 'human behaviour'.

However, the actor did acknowledge the psychologist has 'his own things that people have issues with'.

"Like, I get it. Nobody's perfect," he said.

On the topic of Peterson's 'issues,' Rogan swiftly brought up the psychologist's recent temporary Twitter ban.

Rogan said: "He's kicked off Twitter right now.

"Cause he said something about [deadname] — Elliot Page — [he] called her [deadname]. I think that was the number one thing. The dead-naming."

Peterson's tweet from June read: "Remember when pride was a sin? And [dead name] just had her breasts removed by a criminal physician."

Jordan Peterson deadnamed Elliot Page on Twitter.
@msolurin/ Twitter

Despite highlighting the problematic nature of Peterson's tweet, in the process, Rogan himself deadnamed Page and also used the wrong pronouns for The Umbrella Academy star.

Rogan has since been called out on Twitter.

"Joe Rogan calls out Jordan Peterson for ‘deadnaming’, while using the banned name himself!" one user said.

Another wrote: "And proceeded to do it himself in #1845. Non story. Get a proper job. You're wasting your life SM person."

In response to Rogan's mention of Peterson's Twitter ban, Levi reflected: "It's sad, man, because again, it's just like, there's a lot of fear and pain on all that. All the side of all that too."

Quoting comic Brian Simpson, Rogan responded: "He was like, 'I come to you for like heavy-duty intellectual sh*t,'" he said.

"He goes, 'Not for this.' Like this is not a thing to be getting offended about."

Levi agreed with the quote, but resolved that it's Peterson's 'life' and 'his Twitter, or was his Twitter anyway'.

Rogan then turned the conversation away from Peterson and to the wider conversation surrounding gender.

The commentator said that people 'start getting weird' when gender is discussed and 'everybody's in favour of everybody doing whatever they want to do, as long as it doesn't hurt anybody' until it becomes about gender.

He added: "[It] riles people up.

"They start thinking it's a mistake... They start thinking all kinds of things."

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Featured Image Credit: The Joe Rogan Experience/Alamy/@elliotpage/Instagram

Topics: Elliot Page, Twitter, Joe Rogan