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'How To Murder Your Husband' Author Confessed To Murder, Prosecutor Says

'How To Murder Your Husband' Author Confessed To Murder, Prosecutor Says

A romance novelist who wrote a blog post titled 'How To Murder Your Husband' has allegedly confessed to murdering her own partner.

A romance novelist who wrote a blog post titled 'How To Murder Your Husband' has allegedly confessed to murdering her own partner.

Nancy Crampton Brophy is accused of murdering her 63-year-old husband Daniel Brophy on 2 June, 2018.

The 71-year-old is accused of killing her partner of more than 20 years in order to receive his life insurance, a total of $1.5 million, to solve her financial struggles.

She has pleaded not guilty.

However, the trial recently took a turn after Crampton Brophy reportedly accidentally admitted to her husband's murder.

Nancy Crampton Brophy allegedly admitted to murdering her husband to a fellow inmate.
Portland Police Bureau

Crampton Brophy's husband had been preparing for work at the Oregon Culinary Institute when his wife reportedly shot him, once in the back and a second time once he collapsed on the floor.

Crampton Brophy was arrested in September 2020 and has remained in custody at Inverness jail in Northeast Portland ever since.

However, during her time in the medium-security facility, Crampton Brophy allegedly accidentally opened up a bit too much to a fellow inmate.

Multnomah County Senior Deputy District Attorney Shawn Overstreet claimed the novelist described how she shot her husband to them.

Attorney Overstreet said: "Ms. Brophy held her arms apart, like a wingspan, and said, ‘I was this far away when the shooting happened'. She then corrected herself."

As well as writing a blogpost titled, 'How To Murder Your Husband,' Crampton Brophy also wrote books such as, 'The Wrong Husband'.

The attorney claimed a letter Crampton Brophy received in March referenced the cellmate.

In April, the inmate was tracked down by authorities and identified as Andrea Jacobs.

While she was interviewed about what Crampton Brophy allegedly admitted to, it's unclear whether Jacobs will be allowed to testify.

It's uncertain whether Jacobs is involved in an active investigation, however the inmate is suspected of fraud involving hundreds of thousands of dollars.

Jacobs is also reported as telling her attorneys she doesn't want to 'go and be a snitch'.

Jacobs has since been moved to a federal prison camp in Texas.

Crampton Brophy allegedly admitted to murdering her husband to her cellmate.

Attorneys were given until 11 May by Circuit Court Judge Christopher Ramras to submit written arguments relating to Jacobs' claim.

However, Defence Attorney Kristen Winemiller argued there would have to be a 'significant investigation' if Jacobs was allowed to appear as a rebuttal witness after the defence rested their case.

"It’s just simply too late, after they’ve rested, to bring in another witness of this magnitude," she said.

She also noted how it wasn't until Monday, 4 May that she became aware Jacobs' interview with police had been recorded.

Winemiller warned if Jacobs was brought into the trial in such a way that there was 'no way' it would end by 20 May.

Daniel Brophy and Nancy Crampton Brophy's relationship was 'wonderful' according to Crampton Brophy's neice.
Oregon Culinary Institute/ Facebook

Despite Crampton Brophy's alleged admission, friends of her and her husband testified that their relationship was loving.

Susan Estrada, Crampton Brophy's niece, who lived with the couple briefly, stated: "It was the kind of relationship that made me personally think marriage may not be a bad idea. They had a wonderful relationship."

The romance novelist's financial situation was also analysed by forensic accountants as being good and having recovered well since a brief dip in 2017.

Crampton Brophy is anticipated as taking to the stand within the next two weeks.

If convicted by a jury, the 71-year-old faces a minimum of 25 years behind bars.

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Featured Image Credit: KGW8/Multnomah County Sheriff's Office

Topics: Crime, True crime, US News