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Experts believe they've finally discovered what causes headaches

Experts believe they've finally discovered what causes headaches

A study conducted on 50 patients has found a possible explanation of why we get headaches

Of all the inconveniences which can put a massive dampener on someone's day, headaches must be among the top offenders.

Few things make a day unpleasant like a headache, fraying tempers and even consign you to a dark room because light is just a bit too much.

Some headaches can be symptomatic of something more serious. They are a common affliction which can range from a mild inconvenience to debilitating pain.

But what exactly causes them?

Well, a group of researchers believe they may have the answer for one type of headache.

There are a lot of things that can cause a headache. You could have a sinus issue, or maybe you simply banged your head on something. And yes, you could also be suffering the consequences of too much indulgence the night before, especially around Christmas.

But this group has observed another thing which could be leading to headaches.

The study in Germany carried out MRI scans on 50 patients. It was focused specifically on the trapezius muscles.

Headaches can be the result of many different causes.
Doug Armand/Getty Images

These are a pair of large muscles which extend over the back of the neck and shoulders between the head and shoulder blades.

Dr Nico Sollmann was among the people involved in the study, and shared the results as well as some suggestions for tackling headaches.

In a statement, Dr Sollmann said: “Our findings support the role of neck muscles in the pathophysiology of primary headaches."

The study concluded that inflammation in the neck can contribute to migraines and tension headaches.

Inflammation in the neck can occur for a variety of reasons. These could include a lack of sleep, sustaining an injury, stress, and bad posture.

For example, if you are hunched over a laptop at work all day, or have poor quality pillows, these could both lead to tension in your neck.

Headaches can range from a mild inconvenience to debilitating pain.
Doug Armand/Getty Images

And given that the neck is actually connected directly to the head, advanced medical jargon there I know, this could have a direct impact on having a headache.

The study also went on to explain some possible treatments for headaches caused by this particular affliction.

Dr Sollmann said: “Treatments that target the neck muscles could lead to a simultaneous relief of neck pain, as well as headache.”

This could mean medication, but there are also other options.

For example, Dr Sollmann highlighted non-invasive treatments such as a massage or acupuncture.

Preventative measures might also include having a work setup which does not make you strain, and using good pillows for sleep.

However, a universal treatment for headaches remains elusive.

Featured Image Credit: Ekaterina Goncharova/Doug Armand/Getty Images

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