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Woman discovers ’37 new ways’ she could die after doing simple test

Woman discovers ’37 new ways’ she could die after doing simple test

TikTok content creator Joanne Fan has found '37 new ways' to die after taking a test looking at her allergies.

An unlucky woman has discovered '37 new ways' to die after a fateful medical examination.

Joanne Fan, 21, took a simple test to discover new foods she is allergic to and the results are actually quite alarming.

See for yourself below:

Fan has over 81,000 followers on TikTok, documenting her life as a highly allergic eczema sufferer.

In fact, it's hard to think of a meal that doesn't contain at least one ingredient that will give her a bad reaction.

Over 31 million people have some form of eczema in the US, though being a highly allergic eczema sufferer is certainly less common.

Fan said: "I grew up with the allergies, so I’ve never really felt like I’ve been missing out because I don’t know what I’m missing.

"I’m allergic to all nuts and seafood."

Last month, the TikTok content creator retested her allergies with a patch test - where a doctor places a small amount of an allergen on the skin to see if there's a reaction - and the results were surprising.

Fan suffers from a lot of allergies.
Joanne Fan/Caters News

In fact, Fan discovered several new allergies that surprised her an awful lot.

"Some fruits I didn’t think I was allergic to showed reactions on the backtest like grapefruit," Fan explained.

The patch test also revealed poor Joanne is allergic to whole milk, egg white and yolk, onions, pepper, beef, lamb - likely making eating out a minefield.

The more severe allergies caused a 'bigger dot reaction than the smaller ones', according to the content creator.

Fan uploaded footage of herself having the test to her TikTok account where it quickly went viral on the video platform.

To date, the short 20-second clip has over 4.6 million views while it has also amassed close to 300,000 likes on the platform.

Many people have flocked to the comments section of the TikTok to provide their thoughts on the astonishing discovery.

"You are the first person to have more allergies than me that I’ve seen," one person penned.

The test certainly didn't seem the most pleasant.
Joanne Fan/Caters News

A second added: "Just had an allergy test today.. I was allergic to 60.. out of the 62 tests.."

While a third remarked: "I get hives randomly...I may need to do this eventually."

Speaking of her allergies, Fan said: "I can feel my flare-ups coming on before I start to turn red.

"They usually start within 10 minutes of eating something I’m allergic to, and I’ll start scratching or find myself getting very hot.

"The hardest part about it all is how it affects my eczema rather than my diet — people see me and they are like, ‘What’s happened to your face? Why are you so red?

"It’s flared up pretty badly this year, and it’s really affected my confidence."

Featured Image Credit: Joanne Fan/Caters News

Topics: Health, TikTok