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28-year-old woman given three years to live after heartbreaking diagnosis

28-year-old woman given three years to live after heartbreaking diagnosis

Samantha Bulloch dismissed the initial symptoms

A 28-year-old woman who thought she was living a normal life has opened up on the heartbreaking reality that she may have just three years left to live.

Some four years ago, Samantha Bulloch began noticing blood in her stools - though she brushed the symptom off after it 'ended up resolving on its own'.

"I assumed it was haemorrhoids and didn’t think much more of it," the now-29-year-old told 7 Life.

But it was in early 2023 when Samantha realized something wasn't right after she experienced extreme tiredness at work one day as a children’s library assistant.

"I was at work one day, just standing up and around, having a meeting, and I had to sit down because I was so fatigued," Samantha said.

Samantha Bulloch dismissed the initial symptoms.

"And this was quite out of the normal, this was next level fatigue.

“I thought to myself, I’ve let my iron get so bad that I’ve now become anaemic.”

After noticing changes in her bowel movement and a history of low iron levels, Samantha decided to take a blood test in the hope of finding an answer.

And the medical professionals quickly discovered something unusual.

"It turned out I was anaemic, but they also noticed my liver enzymes were about three times outside of the normal range and that raised some suspicions," she explained.

After going for an ultrasound and a CT scan, it was discovered that Samantha had tumor in her colon which had spread to her liver and right lung.

Samantha was also told the tragic news she had terminal colorectal cancer, also known as bowel cancer.

"The main thought that was running through my mind, was how? How was this possible?" Samantha continued.

"I ate well, was fit, was very conscious about what things can increase your risk of cancer - and I would avoid those - and I didn’t have a family history of colorectal cancer."

Samantha was diagnosed with stage four bowel cancer.

After starting treatment straight away, Samantha has been progressively prescribed stronger treatment in the past eight months.

Speaking of her health at the moment, she said: "My condition now is that I’ve had some progression in my liver, but the other lesions in my colon and lung are stable.

"Originally when I was diagnosed, my doctor gave me a year (to live) if treatment didn’t work.

“Thankfully my treatment has been working, so she’d put me in the three-year category at the moment.”

While she faces the reality of terminal cancer, Samatha is determined to live life to the fullest.

"The way I see it is... it sadly is what it is," she continued.

She wants to 'help break the stigma' around talking about poo.

"And of course I’m hoping and praying for many more years than what I’ve been given.

“But if not, I intend to try and maximise these few I’ve got left to the best of my ability.

“Thankfully I’ve always been quite a positive and hopeful person, and that hasn’t left me during this experience.”

Saying she wants to 'help break the stigma' around talking about poo, Samantha added: “Too many colorectal cancer cases are diagnosed at stage four because we don’t think it’s possible for us to get it, and we feel awkward talking about poo.

“Creating open dialogue around this topic will hopefully mean others feel more comfortable speaking out and checking things out if something feels off.”

Featured Image Credit: samindigo/Instagram

Topics: Health, Cancer