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Restaurant praised for introducing 10 strict rules that will see diners ‘86ed’ if they don’t follow them

Restaurant praised for introducing 10 strict rules that will see diners ‘86ed’ if they don’t follow them

The new restaurant in New York has a list of requirements for customers

A New York restaurant has been praised for sharing a list of 10 specific rules diners must follow if they want to enjoy a meal there.

From dress codes to booking requirements, it's not unusual for restaurants to have certain requirements in place - especially if it's more of an upscale place.

But a newly opened restaurant in Greenwich Village, New York has gone beyond rules like 'no flip flops', and has warned that diners could get '86'd', AKA removed, if they don't adhere to its 10 demands.

Frog Club is the latest project involving chef Liz Johnson, who previously ran the Los Angeles restaurant Horses with her husband Will Aghajanian.

The pair have since gone through a very public split, and while Aghajanian told The New York Times the Frog Club is a 'concept [he] created and designed', Johnson has said it's 'all [hers]'.

Aghajanian claimed the restaurant is 'in legal limbo currently', but whoever is running the Instagram page is clearly laying down the law as they shared the restaurant's rules earlier this month.

Frog Club opened its doors earlier in February.
YouTube/Frog Club

The post featured a title reading: "Ways to get 86'd," before launching into the list of 10 rules, which are as follows.

  1. No call, no showing for a reservation
  2. Taking photos inside, this includes bathroom selfies
  3. Being rude or appropriate to our team, especially Tony
  4. Stealing from or vandalizing the restaurant
  5. Touching the memorabilia, thinking about touching the memorabilia
  6. Lying about it being your birthday
  7. Canceling a reservation more than thrice
  8. Becoming dangerously intoxicated
  9. Requesting a free meal
  10. Kissing the Chef without her consent

It's a detailed list, with some rules likely to put diners off wanting to attend the restaurant - especially if they have a 'pics or it didn't happen' approach to life. What would the foodies have to show off about?

The Frog Club shared its rules on Instagram.

But for those who are sick of being blinded by flashes while they're trying to eat or, even worse, having to wait for their food to go cold while their date snaps a picture, the rules will probably be considered a godsend.

Instagram users have shown their support for the list of rules, with many taking to the comments of the post to show their appreciation.

"Love it!" one commenter posted, while others relied heavily on the 'praise' emoji to share their thoughts about the restaurant's stipulations.

Instagram users have praised the rules.

"How do you make a reservation," another keen user wrote.

It's worth noting that no one questioned who 'Tony' is, and the restaurant didn't offer any further explanation on the post.

Frog Club serves up a range of food, from hamburgers on housemade English muffins to slices of banana chiffon pie, and while kissing the chef without her consent is forbidden, customers do have the opportunity to fork out for the pleasure.

"Kiss the Chef” is listed on the menu for $1,000 - and according to the Times, a male diner was happy to hand over the cash by 10:30pm on the restaurant's opening night.

Frog Club might not be conventional, but it sounds like an interesting experience all the same!

Featured Image Credit: Instagram/frogclubnyc

Topics: New York, Social Media, Instagram, Food and Drink, US News