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Flight Attendant Reveals What Happens When Someone Dies On Board

Flight Attendant Reveals What Happens When Someone Dies On Board

People do die on aeroplanes, and you might not like what happens to them

A flight attendant has shared what happens when a person dies on board a plane whilst it’s in the air, and doesn’t sound great, to be honest with you.

Of course, no-one can really control when someone might die, and people dying whilst on planes is probably not that uncommon or unusual, but it would certainly ruin your experience if you were sat next to them, it turns out.

Seriously though, you’re not having the worst day on board, even if you end up sitting next to a corpse.

You can see what they’ve got to say about it in the video below.

So, calling into the Other People’s Lives podcast – which you can check out on YouTube here – an anonymous caller opened up on some of the things that happen when someone pops their clogs at 35,000 feet.

Because we don’t know their name, we’ll have to take it with a pinch of salt, but the likelihood is that they’re telling the truth, as this is backed up elsewhere.

They said: “The thing that always freaks me out is that we have to put them back in their seat.

“And, we have to recline the seat a bit and put a blanket all up to their neck, so we cannot cover their face.

“So, if it’s a full flight and the person next to you has a heart attack and we can’t move anyone, you have a dead person with you until we land."

The hosts weren't keen on the idea either. (Other People's Lives podcast)
The hosts weren't keen on the idea either. (Other People's Lives podcast)

Oh, brilliant. Again, it’s worth saying that it’s definitely worse for the dead person and their family, but it’s still hardly ideal, is it?

One of the hosts asked: “And you just have to make it look like they’re sleeping?”

The caller responded: “If someone says ‘is the person next to me dead?’ you have to say ‘it appears so’”.

As one of the hosts then pointed out, that is ‘super weird’.

They continued: “That is terrifying – I mean – that has unlocked a new fear of mine now, because usually it’s just like – you know – turbulence and stuff like that. That unlocks a new thing for me”.

It'll probably never happen to you.  (Other People's Lives podcast)
It'll probably never happen to you. (Other People's Lives podcast)

Don’t worry, though.

Whilst this sort of thing does actually happen out there, it’s probably really very unlikely that it will happen on a flight that you’re on, and then even less likely that you’ll be the person that sits next to the dead person for the rest of your flight.

If you do end up in the unfortunate seat, just thank your lucky stars that you’ll actually be reaching your destination.

Featured Image Credit: Other People's Lives/Alamy

Topics: Weird, Travel, Health