One man had a brilliant idea for ending the flat-earth debate for good —and no, it didn't include pushing them off the non-existent edge.
Now, despite all the scientific leaps and bounds we have made as a society, there are still some debates we can't seem to escape.
Continuous improvements in technology and communication would likely have you thinking that we would have said goodbye to some of the pointless and empty arguments - but how wrong you would be.
Although we have been to space and have recovered scores of data on our planet and those in the solar system, some people aren't convinced.
But in 2021, one man had the most out-there idea to turn the flat-earthers into believers.

While some would argue that all NASA pictures of our planet are fake, doctored, or photoshopped, Marc Gauld claimed to have the perfect solution.
He insisted that one lucky flat earther should be sent to space, bringing it to their doorstep.
He argued this way, they would be able to see for themselves that the Earth isn't flat, and hey, who knows, maybe it would have entirely destabilized the community.
To fund this very expensive trip, Gauld started a GoFundMe and explained his reasoning.
He wrote: "This campaign is to prove to flat earthers once and for all that the Earth is round!
"It currently takes $250000 to secure a seat on a Virgin Galactic flight to enter the earth's orbit.
"If flat earthers truly want to prove flat Earth, then I would expect most donations to come from the flat earther community."

He said the flights were initially planned for this year but had been held back 'due to the COVID pandemic' (remember that?).
However, he'd hoped 'to have a flat earther in space within the next couple years'.
"Once the funds are raised I will hold an application process for high ranking flat earthers to enter if they wish to be the first flat earther in space!" he said.
"One lucky flat earther will be chosen for disappointing the rest of the flat earthers.
"Please get onboard with this as it is in the name of science and it will finally disprove or prove the flat earth theory and we can finally put this to rest!"
Unfortunately, the GoFundMe closed with only $345 being raised - but the thought was there at least.
Topics: Space, Earth, Technology