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Fisherman miraculously rescued after spending 11 days in a freezer

Fisherman miraculously rescued after spending 11 days in a freezer

The fisherman hid in the freezer after his boat sunk a few days after leaving Brazil

A fisherman was rescued from a freezer after spending 11 days stranded out at sea. See the drama unfold:

Romualdo Macedo Rodrigues left Oiapoque, Brazil, in his wooden boat in late July, en route to Ilet la Mere, an island off the coast of French Guiana.

However, just a few days into his journey, the 44-year-old's vessel began to take on water and ultimately sank.

Unable to swim, Romualdo sought refuge in a freezer he had onboard and hid inside for over a week.

After 11 days bobbing around in the ocean, the fisherman was rescued by a passing vessel just off the coast of Suriname, which borders French Guiana.

Incredible footage has now been shared, which shows the moment Romualdo was helped out of his freezer and onto the Surinamese fishing boat by its crew on 11 August.

The 44-year-old had been hiding in a freezer for 11 days.

After receiving first aid, upon the boat's return to shore, Romualdo was arrested by police and held in custody for 16 days at a prison in Paramaribo.

Speaking about the bizarre case, officer Luis Carlos Porto said: "He was very thin, debilitated, but in very good spirits. The wounds he had on his body, which were related to the sun, were already much better.

"He says he had vision problems due to the excessive heat, salt, and light, but he was very calm and in good health."

Eventually, Romualdo was allowed to go home.

He said: "I was born again.

He was rescued by a passing fishing boat.

"I thought I was going to be attacked by sharks because there are lots of curious fish on the high seas."

Recalling the moment he was rescued, Romualdo said he couldn't believe what he was seeing.

"I heard a noise and there was a boat above the freezer," he said. "Except they thought there was no one there. Then they slowly got closer, my vision was fading, and then I said, 'My God, the boat'. I raised my arms and asked for help."

During his time adrift, Romualdo lost an incredible five kilogrammes (11 lbs) was incredibly dehydrated when he was found.

And he was just thankful he had the freezer onboard to save his life.

"What troubled me most was the thirst," the fisherman said.

Adding: "This fridge, for me, was God. A miracle."

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Featured Image Credit: CEN

Topics: World News, Weird, Police