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Farmer with 102 children, 12 wives and 568 grandchildren decides to stop growing his family

Farmer with 102 children, 12 wives and 568 grandchildren decides to stop growing his family

He's told his wives to start using birth control

A farmer who has a staggering 102 children and 568 grandchildren from 12 wives has decided to stop growing his family.

Sixty-seven-year-old Musa Hasahya has told his wives to go onto birth control due to the rising cost of living.

He said: “My income has become lower and lower over the years due to the rising cost of living and my family has become bigger and bigger.

“I married one woman after another. How can a man be satisfied with one woman?

“All my wives live together in the same house.

“It’s easy for me to monitor them and also stop them eloping with other men in this village.”

Musa and his huge family live in Uganda, where polygamy is legal.

According to New Vision, Musa is now urging others not to marry as many women as he did.

"I cannot tolerate bearing children any more because of the limited resources,” he said. “And on that note I have advised all my wives of childbearing age to go for family planning.

Musa with his wives.
YouTube/Afrimax English

"I also discourage those who wish to marry more than four wives not to do so because things are not good."

Revealing why he decided to have such a large family, he said: "Because I was able to earn something, I decided to expand my family by marrying more women.

"I ensured that hoes are provided for each of them to till the land and produce food enough to support the family since the soils are fertile."

Zulaika, who is one of Musa’s wives and mother to 11 of his children, said: “I'm not having any more children. I've seen the bad financial situation and am now taking the birth control pill.”

Around a third of Musa’s kids, who are aged between six and 51, live with him on his farm.

Musa Hasahya.
YouTube/Afrimax English

Of his 102 children, 98 are still alive - and alongside those and his grandchildren, Masa also has several great-grandchildren.

His first wife Hanifa described her husband as having a ' listening heart, he never rushes to make decisions before hearing from all the parties. He doesn’t victimise anybody and he treats all of us equally'.

Sadly, Musa can no longer work due to his ill health and the family are struggling to make ends meet as a result. Two of his wives have already left him because of the financial pressure.

Featured Image Credit: Afrimax English /YouTube

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