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Footage of El Chapo's famous escape tunnel under shower in his supermax prison cell

Footage of El Chapo's famous escape tunnel under shower in his supermax prison cell

El Chapo escaped from his supermax prison cell on 11 July 2015

Must-see footage of a notorious drug lord's famous escape from prison has resurfaced.

Joaquin 'El Chapo' Guzman broke free from the Altiplano Federal Prison in the town of Almolova de Juarez on 11 July 2015.

Watch how it went down below:

The clip, which was shared by the Mexican government at the time, shows Guzman climbing through a tiny hole in the wall of his cell, next to the shower.

He then scales a ladder down a 10-metre hole.

Must-see footage of the notorious drug lord's famous escape from prison has resurfaced.
On Demand News

Guzman remarkably went down a fully-lit and ventilated tunnel to hop on a specially adapted motorbike which ran on tracks.

Amid his escape it seems that the drug lord was aware of the parts of the room that were unreachable by the camera.

What is perhaps even more bonkers is that El Chapo also escaped from the same prison in 2001.

He bribed the prison staff and managed to get out by hiding in a laundry basket.

After being on the run for years, Guzman was eventually recaptured and was sent to prison once again in 2014.

The clip, which was shared by the Mexican government at the time, shows Guzman climbing through a tiny hole in the wall of his cell, next to the shower.
On Demand News

As of today, Guzman, 64, is currently sentenced to life behind bars in the United States for a drug conspiracy that spread murder and mayhem for more than two decades.

Mexico’s president said on Wednesday that his government will consider El Chapo's plea to be returned to Mexico, which we assume is to serve out his sentence.

Guzman has reportedly lived in poor conditions in prison since his 2019 conviction, said Jose Refugio Rodriguez, a Mexican lawyer who claims to represent him.

Mr Rodriguez told local media that Guzman has not had adequate access to sunlight, visits, good food or medical care.

As of today, Guzman, 64, is currently sentenced to life behind bars in the United States.
Digital Image Library / Alamy Stock Photo

The Mexican Embassy in Washington also tweeted that it had received an email from Mr Rodriguez about the issue and had turned it over to Mexico’s foreign relations department.

President Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador said 'we will review it', while adding: “You always have to keep the door open when it comes to human rights.”

The US and Mexico have a prison transfer agreement that allows inmates convicted in one country to serve out their sentence in their home country under certain circumstances.

Ovidio Guzman, the son of El Chapo, was also arrested last month after a violent gunfight broke out in the northern city of Culiacan where at least 29 people were killed.

The 32-year-old is alleged to be a leader of his father's former cartel.

According to various reports 10 soldiers and 19 suspects were killed, while 35 more were injured as 21 gunmen were arrested.

Featured Image Credit: On Demand News/YouTube

Topics: Drugs, Crime, True crime