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Dog Abandoned On Street With Bag Full Of Toys And Heartbreaking Note From Owner

Dog Abandoned On Street With Bag Full Of Toys And Heartbreaking Note From Owner

An animal welfare protection charity has revealed how it found a dog on the streets with a heartbreaking note from its owner.

An animal welfare protection charity has revealed how it found a dog on the streets with a heartbreaking note from its owner.

The Wisconsin Humane Society found the animal in Green Bay, US. She was tied to a fire hydrant.

The dog, who became known as Baby Girl, was accompanied by a bag full of toys and a note from her owner revealing why they had to give her up.

Wisconsin Humane Society released a heartbreaking image of an abandoned dog.
Wisconsin Humane Society/ Facebook

It turned out that the dog's complicated health issues were unable to be supported by its owner.

The Wisconsin Humane Society discovered Baby Girl had canine diabetes, called diabetes mellitus. This results in the dog having raised blood sugar levels that have to be regulated with a special diet, at-home insulin injections and constant glucose monitoring.

As spokesperson from the Wisconsin Humane Society told the Mirror that Baby Girl's condition can be an 'expensive disease to manage' due to the 'monthly' purchases of insulin and 'potentially other medical supplies'.

They said: "In total, it’s possible this could cost hundreds of dollars a month, depending on your own veterinarian’s assessment and cost of supplies in your area."

They reflected on the owner's giving up of their dog as an 'act of desperation'. The animal welfare group thanked the owner for trying their best and recognising when they could no longer support their pet.

The spokesperson said: "First and foremost, we are so sorry you had to part with your best friend.

"It’s evident just how much you loved her and we can see you did your best while struggling with your own medical complications and challenges of life.

"We see your love in the bag you carefully packed with all of her favourite things. We see your love in the way you secured her leash so she wouldn’t get hit by a car. We see your love in the way you placed her in the middle of a neighbourhood where she’d be quickly found. We see your love in how happy and healthy Baby Girl looks.

"And we see your love in the note you left, pleading for someone to help her when you no longer could."

Baby Girl is reported as having found a new home.
Wisconsin Humane Society

The Wisconsin Humane Society also used the incident to appeal to other pet-owners who may not have the funds or ability to support their animals.

They urged pet-owners that it is okay to donate pets anonymously if doing so for the welfare of the animal.

Their final comments to Baby Girl's owner were: "We see that you did what you thought was best for your beloved pup and we are grateful for your compassion. Rest assured that she’s safe, she’s getting tons of attention from our team.

"We wish you all the best and hope that if you see this, you can rest a little easier knowing your Baby Girl has a bright future ahead."

Giving an update on 12 May, 2022, the human society said Baby Girl has officially found a new home.

The society has also been in touch with the dog's previous owner, who 'expressed her gratitude and happiness' knowing her dog is doing well.

If you see an animal in distress and/or in need of help, contact the RSPCA's 24-hour animal cruelty line on 0300 1234 999 or visit their website for further advice 

Featured Image Credit: Wisconsin Humane Society/Facebook

Topics: Animals, Dogs, US News