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Serial killer revealed why he ‘enjoyed’ carrying out horrific crimes in disturbing interview

Serial killer revealed why he ‘enjoyed’ carrying out horrific crimes in disturbing interview

Richard Cottingham claims that he killed as many as 100 women

Warning: This article contains discussion of rape and murder which some readers may find distressing.

Richard Cottingham is arguably one of the most notorious murderers in American history.

Cottingham is believed to have raped and murdered at least 18 women between 1967 and 1980, and earned himself the nickname of 'The Times Square killer' for his crimes across New York and New Jersey.

Some of his heinous crimes included mutilation, with Cottingham admitting to have cut off a victim's breast purely for 'sensationalism'.

Speaking to journalist Nadia Fezzani in 2011, he said of his vile crime: "She was already dead, it wasn’t something that she was alive.

"I wanted to create some sensationalism. It’s not hard, it’s just a body - it’s not a living person anymore."

While he has only been convicted for nine women's deaths, followed by a further eight admissions under non-prosecution agreements, Cottingham believes he might have killed around 100 people.

Elsewhere in his interview with Fezzani, Cottingham explained how he 'enjoyed' murdering people.

Speaking about torturing his victims, he said: "I enjoy it. It was a game.

"It's scary to a girl to have something like that - to be so close to a knife, so to speak, pressed again you."

Richard Cottingham was arrested numerous times.
Bergen County Prosecutor's Office

He went on: "The situations I was seeking was more of a power trip.

"The power of holding someone's fate in your hands is very powerful aphrodisiac.

"The adrenaline rush is like nothing - you're in complete control of somebody's destiny."

A clip of the years-old interview has been doing the rounds on X of late, and people were quick to voice how chilling it was.

"Bragging about how many he killed while also downplaying how bad of a person he is makes for a strange combo," someone said.

"Evil is really an incredible thing. Invisible to those capable of embracing it. Just listen to him try to down play his actions likes he’s some kind of hero. 'Well I didn’t kill EVERYONE!'"

Cottingham claims to have had 100 victims.
Ashley Cooper/Getty Stock Image

"That’s horrible," said someone else of the documentary snippet.

A third added: "He is such a terrible person! Saying that he enjoyed torturing his victims because of the power that the feeling gave him Just imagine what his victims must have gone through.

"He doesn’t even seem repentant about his crimes. So eerie to watch a demon in real life."

Cottingham was arrested in May 1980 and was hit with multiple life sentences.

The now 77-year-old remains behind bars and is currently being held in New Jersey's South Woods State Prison.

Featured Image Credit: X/Morbidful / Bergen County Prosecutor's Office

Topics: Crime, New York, True crime, Documentaries