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Playboy model arrested and charged with bribery after allegedly offering $5,000 to get boyfriend out of jail

Playboy model arrested and charged with bribery after allegedly offering $5,000 to get boyfriend out of jail

She allegedly texted a federal agent saying 'I can help with whatever you need $ not sure what your services cost'

A Playboy model has been arrested and charged with bribery and obstruction of justice in Honolulu, Hawaii.

As per a federal criminal complaint filed on 18 March, obtained by the Honolulu Star-Advertiser, Shannon Teresa Marie Schwartz has been charged with one count of bribery of a public official and one count of obstruction of justice.

The Playboy model is accused of trying to bribe a Department of Homeland Security federal agent to convince a judge to release her boyfriend from Honolulu’s Federal Detention Center.

Schwartz is alleged to have offered the agent $5,000 to help him persuade the judge to release her boyfriend.

Shannon Schwartz has been arrested and charged.
Facebook/Shannon Schwartz

Lewis Huntzinger is detained after he was charged with being a felon in possession of 205 rounds of Remington .223-caliber ammunition.

Court documents claim the agent received 'numerous missed calls, text messages and voicemails' from Schwartz on February 21.

Schwartz is said to have told the agent she was trying to secure Huntzinger’s release from prison and apparently asked the agent, Daniel K., if they could meet in person so he could 'see she was serious and could pay him'.

The court documents have also revealed an apparent text exchange between the former Playboy model and the agent.

"I can help with whatever you need $ not sure what your services cost,” Schwartz allegedly texted the agent on February 22.

The agent allegedly continued to contact the agent despite Daniel K. telling the Playboy model he had no interests in helping her.

The agent eventually agreed to meet with Schwartz, though he told her he would have to continue communicating with her on his personal phone, which was instead an undercover government device to monitor all the conversations.

The Playboy model allegedly tried to bribe the agent.
Facebook/Shannon Schwartz

And during a meeting on 5 March, Schwartz allegedly asked to pay the agent a whopping $5,000 to help with the release of Huntzinger.

The Honolulu Star-Advertiser reports that the agent was offered an initial $2,500 upfront to help, while he would be awarded a further $2,500 upon her boyfriend's release.

A second meeting took place at the Inouye International Airport on 7 March, where Schwartz handed the agent a white lunch bag containing '25 $100 bills for a total of $2,500'.

The model then apparently offered more money to ensure her boyfriend's release was made.

Schwartz was arrested and charged following the meeting.

If the Playboy model is found guilty of the alleged bride she faces up to 15 years in a federal person, while another year could be added for obstruction of justice.

UNILAD has contacted Shannon Teresa Marie Schwartz for a comment.

Featured Image Credit: Facebook/Shannon Schwartz / Facebook/Wilhelm Huntzinger

Topics: Hawaii, News