Police investigating the double-killing of couple Jesse Baird and Luke Davies say they believe only Jesse's death was 'premeditated.'
Baird, 26, who worked as a reporter for Network 10’s morning show Studio 10, and Davies, 29, were last seen on February 19 in Paddington, a suburb of Sydney, New South Wales.
Police soon came forward with 'grave concerns' for the couple after blood was found at the property.
Their bloodied possessions were later found dumped in a skip in Cronulla, 17 miles from their home.
On Tuesday, police announced that two bodies had been found hidden in surf bags found at a rural property in Bungonia, south of Sydney.
Police have now come forward with the belief that Jesse's murder was 'premeditated' by alleged killer and ex-police officer Beaumont Lamarre-Condon, who Baird had previously been in a 'friends with benefits' relationship with, his friend Corey-Dean Thorpe told the Daily Mail.

According to Thorpe, Baird ended his friendship with Lamarre-Condon after the ex-cop falsely claimed they were a couple on Instagram.
While it's believed that Jesse's murder was premeditated, it's been alleged that Luke's murder took place 'just for being there'.
Police said Lamarre-Condon wasn't aware Davies would be present at the scene.
Speaking to Channel Nine, assistant Commissioner Michael Fitzgerald announced that officers believed Lamarre-Condon went looking for Baird last Monday and also found Davies at the Paddington property.
"We will be strongly claiming in our case that this murder was premeditated, and the second murder occurred because of unfortunately Luke’s appearance at the house," he said.

Police said Davies was 'in the wrong place' and 'wasn't expected to be there' at the time when the brutal killings took place.
Ex-officer Lamarre-Condon reportedly told police where to find the bodies after a two-hour discussion.
A statement from the police read: "We appreciate that people have many questions they want answered, and so do we.
"But as this has been a very fast-moving investigation, the detectives are still in the process of conducting the necessary inquiries in order to collect the information needed."
NSW Police Commissioner Karen Webb added: "I can reassure Luke and Jesse’s loved ones, and the people of NSW, that we are working around the clock to find those answers."
During his court appearance on Friday, Lamarre-Condon did not ask for bail, and is due to appear at Downing Center Local Court on April 23.
He is charged with two counts of murder.