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Couple stunned after they get bag full of cash from McDonald's

Couple stunned after they get bag full of cash from McDonald's

The couple got more than they bargained for with their breakfast meal

A couple was left baffled after receiving something a little extra in their McDonald's bag.

While most people would be over the moon to find free sauce sachets or even an abnormally hefty portion of fries, if you're lucky.

While you might usually expect to find a burger or chicken nuggets, one American couple got a huge surprise when they opened their McDonald's takeaway bag.

Greg and Stacye Terry's McDonald's bag contained more than a McMuffin.
Channel5 News

The lucky couple in question, Greg and Stacye Terry, from Tennessee, USA were given huge stacks of cash after going to the fast-food restaurant to order some breakfast to-go.

Stacye told NewsChannel5: “My husband opened the bag and discovered the money inside.

“He said, ‘You are not going to believe this.’ Sure enough, it was their bank deposit money.”

Instead of being handed their takeaway breakfast, they had been given the fast-food chain's financial taking, which was on its way to be cashed up at the bank.

Defintely not a McMuffin.
Channel 5 News

Upon realising the bizarre error, Stacye revealed that the 'first thing' they did was 'get in the truck and take it back'.

"There is no other way to have it. I could never live with myself," she continued.

Once alerted of the mix-up, an employee from the restaurant in question met up with Greg and Stacye and the deposit money was safely returned.

The owner of the restaurant praised the pair and said how 'grateful' they were for the husband and wife's actions.

"We are grateful for this customer and the action they took upon realising our error.

"We are looking into why this mistake happened, but what is most important to us is knowing that we are part of a community with the values that were evidenced by this person’s actions," the owner added.

The news follows the McDonald's CEO calling Chicago a 'city in crisis' and is using McDonald's as a microcosm for wider issues at large.

Kempczinski has described Chicago as a 'city in crisis'.
REUTERS/Alamy Stock Photo

Chris Kempczinski, Chief Executive Officer for McDonald’s, has said that the fast-food giant is battling against a serious wave of violent crime at its restaurants in Chicago since the pandemic.

Addressing the issues last Wednesday (14 September) Kempczinski stated: “There is a general sense out there that our city is in crisis.

"We see every single day in our restaurants what’s happening at society at large.

"It’s not going to be something that McDonald’s can solve on its own. We need to be able to do it with the public sector as well," the CEO added.

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Featured Image Credit: Channel 5 News

Topics: McDonalds, US News