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Cliff Jumper's Parachute Rips In Mid-Air Leaving Him Hanging On To Rocks

Cliff Jumper's Parachute Rips In Mid-Air Leaving Him Hanging On To Rocks

A cliff jumper has shared the shocking moment his parachute rips mid-air, leaving him clinging onto a rock for an hour.

A cliff jumper has shared the shocking moment his parachute rips mid-air, leaving him clinging onto a rock for an hour. 

While parachute malfunctions are pretty rare, when they do happen they’re absolutely terrifying, as demonstrated in this shocking video. 

Thankfully, Johnni DiJulius lived to tell the tale, and even managed to capture the frightening experience on his action camera. 

In the clip, the base jumper starts off with a daring leap off a ledge, saying: "Three, two, one, see ya."

The steady descent looks scary enough, but things take a turn for the terrifying when Johnni’s leg bends backwards, leaving him struggling to regain his balance. 

As he soars down the cliff in a chaotic manner, Johnni realises his parachute has ripped, stating, “I’ve shredded my f***ing canopy – s**t.”

After a short glide in the air, he soon crashes into another part of the cliff with force, leaving him hanging tightly to the edge before hoisting himself up in a bid to recover from the ordeal. 

Things took a turn for the worse when Johnni DiJulius's parachute ripped.
Jam Press

Sharing the clip on Instagram, Johnni wrote: “I was hesitant to show this, but I fortunately walked away with no injuries.

“I was the last jumper on a 30 person party load. One of the biggest fears is a 180 degree turn when your parachute opens. Things like body position, pack job or wind can cause these.

“After I opened, I grabbed my toggles but didn’t turn it away in time. When I finally fought it off the wall, I looked up and saw five of my seven cells were ripped. I couldn’t steer and was shocked it was still flying.

“I lost too much altitude fighting off the wall, and since I couldn’t steer with a ripped canopy, I knew I wasn’t going to make it out the talus. 

The cliff jumper was left hanging onto a rock for an hour.
Jam Press

“I hit the second cliff and got hung up. At this point I knew I was not injured but wasn’t sure if anyone saw me because I was the last to go. After about an hour holding onto the side of the cliff, I finally climbed down and hiked back out.”

Luckily, Johnni walked away with no injuries, but it’s clear from his message that he knew it was a close shave – things could have turned out very differently.

The post has racked up thousands of likes and views, not to mention hundreds of comments from the online community offering their support and gratitude that he made it out alive. 

Johnni is no stranger to extreme sports.
Jam Press

“Damn bro, glad you’re okay,” one person commented, while another wrote: “My boy lives to jump another day! Love ya brother.”

A third said, “Damn…staying calm and collected probably saved your life. This s**t was wild.” 

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Featured Image Credit: Jam Press

Topics: Sport