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Christine and the Queens star has ‘been a man for a year’

Christine and the Queens star has ‘been a man for a year’

The French singer has been living as a man for a year

Christine and the Queens star Chris has opened up about his gender identity and revealed he has 'been a man for a year'.

The French singer took to TikTok to share his name change with fans and explained his gender identity journey.

"I've been a man for a year now- a little more officially in my family and in my relationship. It is a long process," he said in the three-minute video.

Ahead of his new album dropping next month, he told fans he would be releasing music under the name Christine and the Queens presents Redcar.

Speaking about the album, the 34-year-old said: "Redcar, like all my poetry and philosophy, is poetry and philosophy that helps me be successful."

The singer has since updated his name to 'Redcar' across his social media platforms and has changed his pronouns to he/him on his Instagram profile.

He has also used the moniker Chris since the release of his second album Chris.

In June 2021, the artist took to Twitter to let fans know that he uses 'all the pronouns'. Prior to this, in 2019, the star told Attitude Magazine that he was genderqueer.

This is not the first time the star has opened up about his gender identity. In an interview with The New York Times in March, he detailed his 'tumultuous' journey with gender.

Chris said: "It's raging right now, as I'm just exploring what is beyond this. A way to express it could be switching between they and she."

The singer then talked about wanting to move away from the strictness of gender labels.

He added: "I kind of want to tear down that system that made us label genders in such a strict way."

Chris opened up about feeling 'pressure to give an answer' when asked about his gender identity and stated that he was working to address his identity in 'the right way'.

He has also previously discussed his sexuality and, in an interview with the BBC in 2016, he explained why he is pansexual.

He said: "It means that I can fall in love with someone regardless of their gender, regardless of how they define themselves. I don’t really see that as an obstacle, as a definition.

“I’m just trying to escape any labels there cos I can fall in love with a man who defines herself as a woman, for example. I can fall in love with a man that decides she is going to become a woman and then what does that make me?”

He added: “Bisexual is still being binary, I’m just trying to escape any labels.”

Chris has been exploring gender through his music since the beginning of his career. He previously revealed that his former stage-name was inspired by a trio of drag queens, who also inspired the opening track on his debut album.

In July, Chris announced his new album, Redcar les adorables étoiles (prologue), which is a follow up to his 2021 EP, Nuova.

Redcar les adorables étoiles will be released on 23 September.

If you’ve been affected by any of these issues and want to speak to someone in confidence contact Mindline Trans+ on 0300 330 5468. The line is open 8pm–midnight Mondays and Fridays and is run by trans volunteers 

Featured Image Credit: @christineandthequeens/TikTok/Doug Peters/Alamy

Topics: Music, LGBTQ