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Brazil's Christ the Redeemer has a major design flaw

Brazil's Christ the Redeemer has a major design flaw

The iconic landmark has been repeatedly hit by lightning

One of the seven New Seven Wonders of the World has been revealed to have a major design flaw.

The Christ the Redeemer statue in Rio de Janeiro contains a problem with its design, which means it is damaged by lightning regularly.

In 2014, a three-hour lightning storm had been caught on camera during one of the strongest storms the country has seen, with 1,109 lightning strikes hitting the capital. Watch the shocking moment below:

The strike impacted the head of the statue, as well as breaking part of the right thumb, but measures were in place to get the repairs completed as fast as possible. 

The National Institute for Space Research stated that the 125-foot statue experiences an average of three to five harmless strikes each year, but this occasion had caused more harm than usual. 

Following the damage, Father Omar Raposo of the Archdiocese of Rio jokingly said: "They say lightning does not strike the same spot twice. But with the Christ it does.”   

Father Raposo also revealed that the church keeps pieces of the original soapstone used to build the statue for situations just like this. The Brazilian government has also ensured that the figure is still safe to visit, and safety protocol is always adhered to as they watch for impending storms.  

Clezio Dutra, who is part of the team that looks after the statue, said that the rods already in the hands and head of the statue are too small and which leaves it vulnerable to lightning strikes, as reported by the Smithsonian Magazine.

In 2014, Dutra revealed that maintenance lasting four months would take place to extend the rods in the figure, giving it more protection. 

Christ the Redeemer is very vulnerable to lighting strikes.
Getty Images

The statue was famously struck by lightning in 2008, which also damaged the head and fingers, illustrating the weakness it holds in those areas.

The iconic statue was erected in 1931 and, in 2007, was selected as one of the new Seven Wonders of the World, joining the Great Wall of China, The Taj Mahal, Machu Picchu, Chichén Itzá, The Colosseum, and Petra. It is one of the huge reasons why Rio welcomes nearly two million tourists every year.

French sculptor, Paul Landowski, was responsible for the design of the statue, with the construction done in the hands of Heitor da Silva Costa nearly a century ago. 

It has become one of the most iconic places to visit globally and it played a huge role in the promotion of the football World Cup in Brazil in 2014. 

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Featured Image Credit: Bruno Martins/Alamy Stock Photo/Leticia Xerez/Estadão/YouTube

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