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Son of NHL star charged for pushing disabled woman's wheelchair down stairs

Son of NHL star charged for pushing disabled woman's wheelchair down stairs

He was caught on camera pushing the wheelchair down the stairs

The son of an NHL star has been hit with a trio of misdemeanour charges after a viral video showed him pushing a disabled woman's wheelchair down a flight of stairs.

Charges of criminal mischief, conspiracy to cause criminal mischief and disorderly conduct were filed by police in Erie, Pennsylvania yesterday (20 March) against Carson Briere, the son of Philadelphia Flyers interim general manager Danny Briere.

The same trio of charges from police were also filed against Patrick Carrozzi, with the pair scheduled to appear in court tomorrow (22 March) in relation to the charges brought against them.

Security footage taken from Sullivan's Pub on 11 March shows the men walking up a flight of stairs before stopping at the top besides the woman's wheelchair, which was unoccupied at the time.

One of the men sits in the chair for a time before pushing it down the stairs.

Police say their actions posed a danger to anyone coming up the stairs while also hazardously blocking the stairs.

The woman to whom this wheelchair belonged filed a police report for damages.

Briere released a statement via the NHL team Philadelphia Flyers, apologising for his actions and promising to make amends.

He said: "I am deeply sorry for my behavior on Saturday. There is no excuse for my actions, and I will do whatever I can to make up for this serious lack of judgment."

Former NHL star Danny Briere said his son's actions were 'inexcusable' and that his son 'accepts full responsibility for his behavior'.

The chair belonged to Sydney Benes, a double amputee who was using the chair to remain mobile while she was learning to use her prosthetics.

According to a GoFundMe which was set up to raise money to get her a new wheelchair she filed a police report for damages on Wednesday 15 March.

A GoFundMe dedicated to getting the woman a new wheelchair has smashed the fundraising goal.

She said her wheelchair being pushed down the stairs had damaged the left brake handle, the right arm rest, bent another handle and caused the wheels to drag when the chair was moving.

She said she had only bought the chair last year for $2,000, and speaking to Inside Edition she said she had hoped that her wheelchair going down the stairs had been an accident.

Sydney also said that Briere apologised to her but she found it 'quite insincere', explaining that it was 'really hurtful and disrespectful'.

Donations to the GoFundMe have been disabled at this time as they have raised well over the $1,500 target towards a new chair, with Sydney deciding to use the excess funds to help others in need of a new wheelchair.

Featured Image Credit: Reddit/u/Artane_33

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