A child genius previously stunned the world with his out of world claims about the future of Earth.
Most people don’t come across prodigies or geniuses in their lifetime, even fewer come across children with insights that baffle the brightest of adults.
Russian child Boriska Kipriyanovich certainly had that reputation and he left people scratching their heads with his predictions.
The Volgograd-native first hit headlines back in 2004 when his mum claimed she always knew there was something odd about her then-11-year-old son.

That might be quite the understatement as Boriska made some quite out there claims so hold on to your hats.
Firstly, the boy claimed he was a Martian in a former life and had been sent back in time for the benefit of humanity.
Yes... quite a lot to unpack there. Reincarnation, check, alien life, check, time travel, check, he certainly would give director Christopher Nolan a run for his money.
According to his mother, Boriska proved to her from an early age he had extraordinary abilities to the point she believed he was ‘psychic’.
She claimed his teachers were also very impressed with his writing and language skills as well as his astonishing memory.
But one aspect of education that proved to be particularly fascinating for Boriska was astronomy and this tied into his claims about being from Mars and his destiny for the people of Earth.
Boriska claimed he was reincarnated as a human on Earth to save the planet from nuclear annihilation.

Claiming to have been reborn, Boriska said: "I remember that time when I was 14 or 15 years old. The Martians were waging wars all the time so I would often have to participate in air raids with a friend of mine.
"We could travel in time and space flying in round spaceships, but we would observe life on Earth on triangular aircraft. Martian spaceships are very complicated."
He even claimed to have designed a spaceship and described their material makeup, although not going into specific details.
Boriska is now believed to be around 28 years old and some people on social media have begun to question what happened to the boy, with some joking he returned to Mars or that he is now under Russian lock and key.
Let’s just hope Boriska is still around if the nukes start flying.
Topics: Mars, Russia, Space, World News