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Man claims he was hospitalised by Travis Scott after rapper punched him in head

Man claims he was hospitalised by Travis Scott after rapper punched him in head

Travis Scott is accused of hitting a sound engineer and leaving him needing hospital treatment

A man claims that Travis Scott punched him in the head and left him in need of hospital treatment before an appearance at a club.

A sound engineer – who for the sake of anonymity we’re going to call Mark – says that his request that the sound be turned down for the good of Scott’s performance led the rapper to punch him, leaving him unable to turn his head and with tingling in his arms.

Speaking from his hospital bed in Jersey City, Mark explained his version of what happened.

"I was trying to tell him to lower it so it sounded good for the performance,” he said. "But he just stuck his middle finger in my face, so I lowered the monitor a little bit so I could talk to him, and that’s when he ran around the speaker and attacked me."

Scott was set to play a show at Club Nebula near Bryant Park, although he wasn’t billed to appear, he’d agreed to show up to perform with someone else.

Travis Scott.
Imagespace/Alamy Stock Photo

Reports suggest that Scott had taken phones from people taking pictures of him, as well as shoving a DJ, although these are unconfirmed.

Mark continued: “It [the sound] was distorting the sound system.”

He said he told Scott: "People who are trying to help you sound the best you could, there were fans there trying to take pictures. You were throwing their phones. These are people who respect you. Maybe you should calm down."

Further reports suggest that Scott caused damage to the club’s AV equipment, though the club’s managing partner Ritchie Romero said that the incident is ‘blown completely out of proportion’.

"It was a great night," Romero said.

Talent booker Dorian Harrington, who reportedly took to the stage with Scott, said that the whole thing was a ‘total misunderstanding’.

"What I saw on stage doesn’t reflect what I read in the news. The music and the night turned out great and everyone left peacefully."

Scott's representatives say the incident is 'blown out of proportion'.
Kathy Hutchins/Alamy Stock Photo

In a statement, Scott’s lawyer Mitchell Schuster said: “While this is clearly a misunderstanding being blown out of proportion by clickbait and misinformation, we are actively working with the venue and law enforcement to resolve and set the record straight,

"We are confident our client will be cleared of any wrongdoing."

UNILAD has contacted Scott’s legal representatives for any additional comment.

These allegations come over a year after an incident at Scott’s Astroworld music festival in Houston, at which 10 people died and more than 300 were injured.

Featured Image Credit: Fox5 / Imagespace / Alamy Stock Photo

Topics: Travis Scott, Music, Celebrity