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Coachella has been fined more than $100,000 for breaking curfew every night of the first weekend

Coachella has been fined more than $100,000 for breaking curfew every night of the first weekend

The music festival gets fined $20,000 for going five minutes over and $1,000 for every minute after that.

Coachella has been hit with a hefty fine for breaking curfew every night of the first weekend.

While the iconic music festival is known for its fun vibe and carefree attitude, there are still some pretty important rules that organizers have to follow.

One of those rules is not going passed the curfew that is set by the City of Indio.

The festival has to wrap up the music by 1am on the Friday and Saturday, however Sunday has to be all done and dusted by midnight, according to TMZ.

realgonekid / Stockimo / Alamy Stock Photo

Unfortunately for Coachella 2023, it failed to adhere to the rules not once, not twice, but three times.

The fine for going past the curfew is $20,000 after the first five minutes, then officials will put an extra fine of $1,000 for every minute after that.

The Friday night went over the limit by 25 minutes, Saturday was 22 minutes late and Sunday was 25 minutes over.

An official from the City of Indio told TMZ the total bill now stands at $117,000.

The news outlet says the city takes that money and redirects it into operating costs for public works like the police and fire departments.

Coachella signed a contract with the city to keep holding the annual festival at the same place until 2050.

Frank Ocean left fans very disappointed when he had to cut his set short and blamed it on the curfew.

Ocean’s appearance at Coachella was his first live performance since 2017 at Flow Festival in Finland.

Loads of people had waited hours to see him take to the stage, however were left frustrated after he rocked up late and had an odd stage setup that made it difficult for them to see him.

To make matters worse, his set wasn't livestreamed online like other performances.

One person tweeted: “Started the set late, didn’t let them live stream it, now ending the set early… Frank Ocean, you will rue the day.”

Another commented: “Ain’t no way Frank Ocean showed up an hour late just for him to say he had a curfew.”

A third wrote: “What’s even more sad is the fan accounts blaming Coachella as if it has anything to do with them.

"I guarantee they are disgusted by this as the closing headline performance. People were walking out in droves and the crowd was absolutely DEAD.”

A fourth said: “Oh Frank Ocean… an hour late, no livestream, no merch, dead crowd, & tons of people leaving his set. I had such high expectations for him.”

But, you can imagine Coachella organizers were happy Frank didn't go on any longer in case the fine was much larger.

Featured Image Credit: REUTERS / Alamy Stock Photo. Twitter/@blahnded

Topics: Coachella