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Man With Penis On His Arm Shoots His Shot With Kate Beckinsale After She Sends Him Message

Man With Penis On His Arm Shoots His Shot With Kate Beckinsale After She Sends Him Message

Malcolm MacDonald offered to take the actor out for a night on the town

'You miss 100 percent of the shots you don't take': words Malcolm MacDonald took to heart when a Hollywood star sent him a kind message recently.

For six years, the 47-year-old had a six-inch appendage attached to his arm, after his original penis fell off.

Malcolm, from Norfolk, opens up about his incredible story in the Channel 4 documentary The Man With A Penis On His Arm, which aired last week.

And when Kate Beckinsale, 48, heard about it, she sent a message to Malcolm, wishing him well.

In a post to her Instagram page, the actor said: "Literally scouring for news that doesn’t make me want to jump out of the window.

Kate Beckinsale sent Malcolm MacDonald a kind message on social media.

"This man said, 'It’s not every day you seen a man with a penis on his arm. Of course, I see the funny side'."

She went on: "Of course, he is from the UK.

"Of course he has done a photo shoot down the rec with a willy hanging out of his sleeve. Feel momentarily better. God bless you, Malcolm xxx."

Well, not wanting to let an opportunity pass him by, Malcolm responded to her kind words, and even offered to take her out for night on the town.

He told The Sun: "I’d be happy to take her out for saveloy and chips, anytime. I’ll pay - but she’ll have to come to Thetford. 

Malcolm offered to take Kate out on a date.
Channel 4

"She seems like a nice girl and it’s great she’s read my story and what I’ve been through.

"The kisses are a nice touch too. I’m ready for dating again, so why not her? I'll even treat her to a pint down at my local boozer."

In 2010, Malcolm's penis fell off after he popped an abscess on his bottom.

He suffered blood poisoning, with his fingers, toes and penis turning black.

Fortunately for the single dad, in 2015, doctors were able to build him a six-inch penis, using skin grafts from his bum.

However, a lack of oxygen in the blood meant that it had to be grafted temporarily to his forearm.

His penis fell off in 2015 after he suffered a blood infection.
Channel 4

However, due to delays caused by the coronavirus pandemic, he had to wait until October 2021 before he could have the penis reattached to its correct place.

Speaking in the new documentary, MacDonald said: "It was a nine-hour op. The first thing I did was look down and I was like, 'Oh my days. They got it this time'.

"I feel like a real man again."

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Featured Image Credit: Channel 4/Alamy

Topics: UK News, Viral, Documentaries