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Casey Anthony defends 'partying photos' taken 31 days after daughter Caylee went missing

Casey Anthony defends 'partying photos' taken 31 days after daughter Caylee went missing

Casey Anthony: Where The Truth Lies premieres on Peacock on November 29

Casey Anthony has defended her 'partying photos' which were taken 31 days after her daughter went missing.

In 2011, the now 36-year-old was controversially acquitted of the murder of her two-year-old daughter, Caylee, who disappeared in 2008.

New three-part series - Casey Anthony: Where The Truth Lies - follows Anthony's version of events as she gives her first on-camera interview since the saga.

Watch the trailer below:

Before Caylee's remains were found in a trash bag located half a mile from the family's home in Orlando, it took the mother 31 days to call 911 and report the child was missing.

During that period, the young mother was pictured 'partying' in nightclubs, photos which Anthony has since defended.

She claims that, although the media thought she was 'partying', she was helping her nightclub promoter boyfriend who was busy at work.

The former suspect continues to place the blame on her father George for her daughter's disappearance.

Anthony also claims that her father has been abusive, which George has always denied.

Casey Anthony is set to break her silence for the first time since being acquitted of murdering her toddler daughter in 2011.

She said: "I just tried to be as normal as I could...that was part of the main instruction from my dad – be as normal as possible. I couldn’t show that there was anything going on.

"All of the photos that people show of me out in those 31 days, I wasn’t partying.

"You don’t see drinks in my hand. I was there actually working. I was helping Tony [her boyfriend] promote.

"During the 31 says, I genuinely believed Caylee was alive. My father kept telling me she was OK. I just had to keep following his instructions.

"I just knew I had to do what he wanted me to do. Just do what he wants. It worked before, do it now. I did what I needed to do to survive.

The first on-camera interview comes in a three-part documentary titled Casey Anthony: Where The Truth Lies.

"He would tell me she is fine - you guys will be reunited soon. That's what sticks with me. I would ask if he knew where she was and he would just tell me she was safe. When you're afraid of another human being and you are conditioned to do and say what they tell you to do. At the time, I wanted to believe him.

"I regret every day that I didn't come forward about what he did to me. I regret every day of not telling my mom, I wish it was a simple explanation but nothing about trauma is.

"I was convinced she was OK until December of 2008 (when her body was found)."

One juror, Jennifer Ford, said at the time: "I did not say she was innocent. I just said there was not enough evidence. If you cannot prove what the crime was, you cannot determine what the punishment should be."

Despite her acquittal, Anthony served prison time for providing false information to law enforcement.

Casey Anthony: Where The Truth Lies premieres on Peacock on November 29.

Featured Image Credit: Peacock / Abaca Press / Alamy Stock Photo

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