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YouTube threatens to suspend creators who fail to disclose AI-generated content

YouTube threatens to suspend creators who fail to disclose AI-generated content

The video-sharing platform aims to prevent misleading content

Artificial intelligence is set to change the world, but YouTube is making sure its users follow some rules if they plan on using it for their own content.

In a blog post on Tuesday (14 November), YouTube admitted it would be open to new risks with the surge in AI usage from its creators.

“Generative AI has the potential to unlock creativity on YouTube and transform the experience for viewers and creators on our platform,” YouTube said in the post.

“But just as important, these opportunities must be balanced with our responsibility to protect the YouTube community. All content uploaded to YouTube is subject to our Community Guidelines - regardless of how it’s generated - but we also know that AI will introduce new risks and will require new approaches.”

YouTube said users could face suspension if they use AI to generate content.
Pavlo Gonchar/SOPA Images/LightRocket via Getty Images

YouTube said that it hopes it can prevent the use of AI misleading viewers and ultimately ensure a healthy eco-system on the video-sharing website.

The company, owned by Google, added: “AI’s powerful new forms of storytelling can also be used to generate content that has the potential to mislead viewers - particularly if they’re unaware that the video has been altered or is synthetically created.

“We’ll require creators to disclose when they've created altered or synthetic content that is realistic, including using AI tools.

"When creators upload content, we will have new options for them to select to indicate that it contains realistic altered or synthetic material."

YouTube said that it hopes it can prevent the use of AI misleading viewers.
Getty Stock Image

This could ultimately be good for the video platform and operate similarly to X’s community guidelines feature, to ensure that viewers have a better understanding of the information they are consuming.

YouTube also emphasized that it would not be shy away from punishing creators who try to trick or avoid disclosing the use of artificial intelligence.

“This is especially important in cases where the content discusses sensitive topics, such as elections, ongoing conflicts and public health crises, or public officials,” it said.

“Creators who consistently choose not to disclose this information may be subject to content removal, suspension from the YouTube Partner Program, or other penalties.”

While I'm sure there are some creators who are flustered about this move from the company, it appears this could prove to be hugely beneficial to users.

YouTube is planning to implement these changes over the coming months and in to 2024.

Featured Image Credit: Aytac Unal/Anadolu Agency/Getty Images/Getty Stock Image

Topics: YouTube, Technology, Artificial Intelligence